Banking Information and Statistics, Federal Deposit Insurance Corportation

The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) offers online publications about FDIC institutions. Included are: current and historical (1934-) statistics on banks and banking in the United States; publications such as the FDIC Banking Review 1995-; Quarterly Regional Outlook 1997-; Quarterly Banking Profits 1996-; and Survey of Real Estate Trends 1995-.


County Business Patterns Data Base, 1977-1994

The County Business Patterns database provides county, state, and national level business data dating from 1977 through 1994. The statistics include number of establishments, payroll, number of employees, and number of establishments by size class for 2 digit SIC industry groupings.


County Business Patterns

County Business Patterns presents recent annual data for the United States, and counties on number of business establishments, number of employees, and payroll. The numbers are broken down by section (i.e. agricultural, mining, manufacturing, etc.) and further divided by four digit SIC code.


Economic Census 1997

At this site users will find the data from the 1997 economic census as it is released. Reports are by industry and geographic areas.


FRED: Federal Reserve Economic Data

FRED provides current and historical U.S. economic and financial data and regional economic data for Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee.


STAT-USA-(SIUENet Users Only)

STAT-USA gathers the most crucial, timely business and economic information from over 50 United States federal agencies. International data sets and information in NTDB/GLOBUS as well as domestic statistical data are included in database.


U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) presents statistical information on the U.S. economy. Included are recent statistical releases, charts, and tables on a wide range of economic indicators such as National Income, GDP etc. In most cases historical data is also available.


U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

This database provides data on prices earning, unemployment work stoppage, hours of work and working conditions. The DATA section allows creation of data tables from BLS databases. In addition, a significant number of BLS publications are available online in the Publication and Research Papers section.




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