This site has US Census STF3A and TIGER Files available with 200 variables, covering the U.S. States down to blockgroups.



Demographic Data Viewer Home Page

This interactive mapping tool is offered by the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). Users select geographic areas, specify demographic variables to map, and specify parameters and colors. New maps are created each time; statistical summary reports are created with each map.



Digital Atlas of the United States



Digital Chart of the World Server: Penn State University Libraries

The DIGITAL CHART OF THE WORLD, compiled by Environmental Systems Research Institute, contains spatial data of the world at a scale of 1:1,000,000, or 1 cm : 10 km. The data includes layers containing hypsography, roads, cities, and vegetation.These maps are downloadable and can be used with software such as ArchInfo and ArcView.




EnviroMapper, an U.S. Environmental Protection Agency online mapper, is "a dynamic way to view and query environmental information. EnviroMapper maps several types of environmental information. Mapping is done at zip code, city, county, and state levels.Enviromappers also offers OpenLink, a feature that allows any website to set up a hyperlink to Enviromapper.



Environmental Atlas

Maps showing U.S. environmental data are available from the EPA's Center for Environment Information and Statistics. At present maps are at the national level (state and county levels will be added in the future).



Map Blast

Users may access a map by filling out a form to record address and zip code information. A detailed map of that location is then provided. Only U.S. addresses are available at present, but Europe is scheduled to be included at a future date.




MapQuest provides: driving directions for U.S. destinations and maps showing streets in the U.S It also has maps showing locations of places in many countries of the world as well as links to Real-Time Traffic reports.



Maps and References (Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research)

On this site the emphasis is on displayable maps (e.g. images) rather than digital cartographic (GIS) and satellite data that can be found in the separate compilation title Geodata Information Sources available from the center.



Maptech Map Server

Users can search and view Maptech’s entire collection of topographic maps and nautical charts.



National Atlas of the United States

"The Atlas will offer maps, digital geospatial and geostatistical data sets, and capability for interactive selection and display of map layers. The National Atlas Online Interactive Map Browser allows users to create interactive maps within their web browser! This program allows users to select and display map layers and also to locate and map more than2,000,000 geographic names in the United States. Map Layers Warehouse allows you to download a National Atlas of the United States map layers in Shapefile format at no cost via file transfer protocol. 



National Database of GIS Data : Census of Agriculture

Maps show the following information by county: farmland; cropland; pasture; woodland; irrigated land; idle cropland; crops; federal payments; government commodity credit corporation loans; conservation reserve program; and cropland under commodity programs.



National Geographic Society Map Machine Atlas

The Map Machine offers maps, facts, and profiles of the countries of the world and the states of the United States.



Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection

The Perry-Castaņeda Library offers over 2,400 public domain electronic maps on its web site. These maps are arranged by area of the world and include world maps, regional maps, country maps (for every country of the world), city maps, U.S. state maps, U.S. national parks maps, and historical maps.



TIGER Mapping Service

The U.S. Census Bureau's TIGER Mapping Service allows generation of maps displaying United States census geography (census tracts, block groups, etc.) and selected demographic data (family/household size, family income, population density, age distribution, race/ethnicity, renter/owner percentages etc.)




TopoZone provides interactive topographic maps from the U.S.G. S. covering the United States



United Nations Cartographic Section

The Maps and Geographic Information page leads to 100+ online maps in Adobe Acrobat format



World Bank Group: Developmental Data

World Bank's Map Server displays a presentation of the data, allows users to "zoom" and "pan" the maps, and "identify" special features. Topics include demographic, economic and environmental subjects.



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