Cartographic Images (Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Maps)

This collection of over 1200 maps illustrates the history of map-making before the invention of printing and "scientific discovery." The site is arranged by four separate historic eras and includes links to other online map sites



David Rumsey Collection: Historical Maps

“ The David Rumsey Collection focuses on 18th and 19th century North and South American cartographic materials. The collection includes atlases, globes, school geographies, maritime charts, and a variety of separate maps including pocket, wall, children’s and manuscript maps.”



The Heritage Map Museum's Maps and History Navigator  

 This site contains links to over 500 "high-quality" Internet sites with map images organized by geographic region, theme, and historical timeline.



 Map Collections: 1544-1999: American Memory, Library of Congress

 Map Collections, dating from 1544 until 1999 consists of images of maps in the Library of Congress' collections. Images are grouped in these categories:

       ---Cities and Towns

       ---Conservation and Environment (and sub-category of National Parks)

       ---Cultural Landscapes

       ---Discovery and Exploration

       ---Military Battles and Campaigns

       ---Transportation and Communication (and sub-category of railroad maps)

       ---General Maps 

     Map images may be viewed by keyword, subject, creator, geographical location, or title or users may search Map Collections as a whole."



The National Ocean Service's Historical Map and Chart Collection

      This collection, accessible through NOS Map Finder, contains several thousand maps dating from the early1800s until the mid-1900s and includes nautical charts, hydrographic, and topographic surveys, city plans, and Civil War battlefield maps. Images can be viewed and downloaded.




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