GIS DATA The ArcData Guide offers comprehensive information on data
sets from commercial vendors, governmental agencies, non-profit organizations,
universities, and other ESRI software users wishing to distribute their data
sets. ArcData Online allows users to browse a wide variety of
geographic data and to select and download the data sets for their areas of
interest. The ArcData Online database includes both free and commercial data
sets that may be licensed and downloaded. The database may be searched by
geographic area, data type, or data provider. This site contains U.S. and state boundary maps (counties,
congressional districts, census tracts, etc.) that are available for
exporting. A majority of the files are available in ArcInfo formats. Consortium for Intl. Earth Science Information
[CIESIN] CIESIN is the World Data Center for Human Interactions in
the Environment. This site provides FTP access to international GIS datasets.
CIESIN Gateway also provides search and retrieval of SEDAC's (Socioeconomic
Data and Applications Center) Data and Information Catalog Services. Some of
the datasets available are: Geocorr- Geographic Correspondence Engine which
allows users to create correlation lists between various U.S. geographies;
Archive of Census Related Products; Gridded Population of the World; Global
Population Database Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) (microdata from the
decennial U.S. censuses of1970-1990); and Social Indicators of Development
(an Interactive query of the World Bank's dataset containg125 socioeconomic
variables from more than 170 economies). A
Compendium of On-Line Soil Survey Information Digital Soil Survey The National Geophysical Data Center offers: ---TerrainBase, "a
collection of public domain digital terrain models (DTMs) for the world. ---U.S. state images ---information on GLOBE
(Global Land One-km Base Elevation) Project digital elevation models. This site contains links to both government and commercial
sites that provide access to imagery and geospatial information." Users
can access geospatial information by navigating a map to view data from:
CIA's World Fact Book; ImageLinks; DOI-10 Imagery; DTED 0 Terrain Data; VMAP
0 Vector Map; VMAP 1 Vector Map; ONC Raster Map; TPC Raster Map; and National
Geographic Educational Resources. Some images can be viewed on the web;
others are available by order. Remote-sensing images from the National
Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) can be located on their
"geoengine" which is selected from the drop-down list on the map
tool bar by image format. This is a collection of over 100 spatial data servers
which have digital geographic data primarily for use in Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) and image processing systems Geostat : University of Virginia
Library Geospatial and Statistical Data Center Geostat offers interactive data retrieval services for a
number of statistical data bases (such as County Business Patterns and
Regional Economic Information System) as well as interactive data retrieval
from several geospatial resources (such as 1:2,000,000 scale Digital Line
Graph data from the USGS). Links to data and geospatial resources on the web
are provided Datasets in the GED are defined by authorship and title
and grouped in databases according to geographical coverage, georeference
system, and projection. Resolution of data will vary between global,
regional, and local databases, as well as within a dataset; however all grids
and reference systems are geographically compatible within a database group.
All datasets are in a common GIS structure and accompanied by appropriate
documentation. Guide to Mostly On-Line
and Mostly Free U.S. Geospatial and Attribute Data This Guide includes links to sites at the state, U.S., and
international level. Also includes links on a subject base approach. National Spatial Data
Clearinghouse Users can search for data in the Clearinghouse and browse
related information in registered Clearinghouse Websites. Soil
Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database This database is provided by the Natural Resources
Conservation Service (NRCS) of the US Department of Agriculture. Data can be downloaded in either
DLG-3 Optional format or ARC/INFO export format. USGS
Global Land Information System The Global Land Information System (GLIS) was developed by
the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for use by scientists seeking sources of information about
the Earth's land surfaces. GLIS contains metadata (descriptive information
about data sets) and offers online samples of earth science data that may be
ordered through the system A collection of public-domain software developed by or for
the USGS, including ,this site contains cartographic, geospatial metadata,
and mapping product applications GeoData offers U.S. Geological Survey data files for use
in geographical information systems for analysis and integrationwith other
geospatial data. The data files are not directly viewable using WWW browser
or image viewing tools. Data files are offered from the following series: ---1:250,000-Scale Digital
Elevation Model and 7.5-Minute Digital Elevation Model (DEM) ---1:2,000,000-Scale Digital
Line Graphs, 1:100,000-Scale Digital Line Graphs, and Large Scale Digital
Line Graphs (DLG) ---1:250,000-Scale and
1:100,000-Scale Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) U.S. Bureau of Transportation
Statistics Geographic Information Services The BTS Office of Geographic Information Services is a
national resource for transportation spatial data and GIS in transportation
(GIS-T) information. The Geospatial Data section includes the National
Transportation Atlas. The atlas is a collection of geospatial databases
developed by the Department of Transportation and other federal agencies
depicting transportation facilities, networks, and services of national significance [TOP OF PAGE]
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