

Research Activities




Courses Taught





This course identifies and describes the mechanics and processes of soil erosion, its causes, and hoe erosion hazard is assessed. How soil erosion is measured in the field and the modeling of soil erosion by experts are introduced. The spatial incidence of soil erosion from the runoff to the watershed scale using GIS applications is explored. The various strategies for soil erosion control and how the Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) (former Soil Conservation Service (SCS) managed to keep soil erosion problem on agricultural fields at a minimum rate over the years are also examined.




1 What is Soil Erosion?
2 Mechanics and Processes of Soil Erosion  
3 An Overview of the Causes of Soil Erosion  
4 Causes of Soil Erosion: Rainfall Erosivity  
5 Causes of Soil Erosion: Soil Erodibility  
6 Causes of Soil Erosion: Slope Length and Degree of Slope  
7 Measurement of Soil Erosion in the Field  
8 Introduction to Soil Erosion Modeling - An Overview  
9 USLE and RUSLE Models  
10 Soil Erosion Control Strategies - An Overview  
11 Soil Conservation Programs i the United States of America and The Farm Bills  
12 Final Examination  

Click the highlighted topic above to view the PowerPoint slide presentation of the class note




1.         Which of the following statements is NOT true about the location and size of Africa?

A.         It is the second largest continent in the world
B.         It accounts for 16% the world land area but holds only 9% of world population
C.         It is located between lat. 37o N and 35o S
D.         30% of the continent falls within the tropics
E.         Africa is divided into two halves by the equator

2.         The Ruwenzori Mt. and the Danakil Mt are good examples of:

A.         fold mountains               B.         volcanic mountain          C.         block mountains
D.         a shield                         E.         A and B

3.         Along longitude 20o E, the north-south distance of Africa is approximately

A.         7500 km            B.         3000 km            C.         7000 km            D.         10,000 km
E.         27,500 km

4.         Which of the following is a possible consequence of the break-up of the Gondwanaland
            to form Africa?

A.         its relatively high elevation with high interior plateaus and plains
B.         the development of the Great Escarpment which separates the narrow coastal plain from
            the interior plateau, especially in southern Africa
C.         the dominance of volcanoes and hotspots on the continent
D.         its basin and dome topography
E.         All of the above

5.         Despite the very high potentials of African rivers for hydroelectric power development, the
existing ones are not used to their fullest capacity because of

A.         the seasonality of their flows and frequent droughts in the continent
B.         their very high pollution generating capacity
C.         lack of capital and spare parts
D.         cultural barriers
E.         A and C

6.         Africa's longest river and largest lake are, respectively:

A.         Niger River and Lake Turkana
B.         Congo (Zaire) River and Lake Chad
C.         Nile River and Lake Victoria
D.         Orange River and Lake Tana
E.         Senegal River and Lake Mobutu (Albert)

7.         Which of the following lakes is not one of the East Africa rift valley lakes?

A.         Lake Mobutu (Albert)      B.         Lake Tangayinka            C.         Lake Malawi
D.         Lake Victoria                 E.         Lake Edward

8.         African rivers have the greatest potential for:

A.         Navigation         B.         Hydroelectric power generation                C..        Irrigation
D.         Fishing              E.         recreation/tourism

9.         The Sahara desert is dry mainly because

A.         it is perpetually under high pressure characterized by air subsidence
B.         it is on the leeward side of the Atlas mountain
C.         the air is too hot
D.         there is no river passing through it
E.         there is no moisture available for evaporation in the desert

10.        In West Africa, the advance and retreat of the rains are controlled by the

A.         pattern of movement of the ITCZ

B.         duration of sunshine
C.         amount of solar radiation received
D.         degree of cloud cover
E.         humidity of the air

11.        It is relatively cool along the coast of Namibia because

A.         the area has high relief
B.         of the effect of the cold Benguela current off the coast
C.         it is on the leeward side of a mountain
D.         it enjoys a temperate climate
E.         the air is always moist

12.        What type of vegetation occurs over much of Zaire?

A.         savanna woodland                      B.         sub-desert steppe         
C.         Mediterranean vegetation            D.         rainforest           E.         Sudan Savanna

13.        The vertical stratification of the rainforest plant species is a response to:

A.         photoperiodism              B.         moisture            C.         edaphic influences
D.         temperature                   E.         sunlight

14.        What type of vegetation occurs over much of the southernmost tip (i.e. Cape Town area)and northernmost tip (i.e. Tunis area) of Africa?

A.         desert                           B.         tropical rainforest           C.         Mediterranean
D.         savanna grassland         E.         high veldt

15.        Which of the following is the cause of drought in Sahelian Africa?
A.         El Nino oscillation (ENSO) or teleconnections
B.         Sea-surface temperature changes especially in southern Atlantic
C.         the albedo effects (Charney hypothesis)
D.         degradation-induced changes
E.         All of the above answers

16.        Rainfall in West Africa is caused by

A.         southwest monsoon winds                      B.         northeast trade winds
C.         southeast trade winds                            D.         westerlies
E.         A and D

17.        The Mediterranean climate is enjoyed in the following areas of Africa:

A.         Egypt and Algeria
B.         the highlands of Ethiopia and East Africa
C.         the coastal areas of Ghana and Namibia
D.         Mozambique and eastern parts of Malagasy Republic
E.         the coastal areas of northwest Africa and southwestern corner of the Republic of South

18.        Dust storms are common in the West African Sahel during

A.         the short rainy season                            B.         the summer period
C.         the retreat of the rains                            D.         the dry season
E.         the onset of the rains

19.        The soil order that covers the largest land area in Africa is

A.         Entisols            B.         Ultisols                         C.         Aridisols            D. Inceptisols
E.         Vertisols

20.        The dominant images of Africa include the following except

A.         continent of uniformity
B.         Africa as a games reserve
C.         disease infested continent
D.         economically developed continent
E.         continent of conflicts and political instability sea




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