Welcome to Dr. Yuan's T-CIS Lab!

Dr. Chenxi Yuan

Assistant Professor, Department of Construction Management,
School of Engineering,
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, IL 62026-1803
Room: EB 2063, Tel: (618)650-5019, E-mail: cyuan@siue.edu

Thank you for visiting Transparent Civil Infrastructure System (T-CIS) Lab!
The T-CIS Lab envisions a world where civil infrastructure operates with utmost
buildability, readability, socio-responsibility and cyber-security, fostering a transparent relationship between society and its built environment. We strive to transform traditional civil infrastructure into interconnected, transparent systems that are intelligently designed, managed, maintained, and communication.
At T-CIS Lab, our mission is to address the pressing challenges faced by civil infrastructure in teaching and research through developing, implementing and sharing the state-of-the-art solutions. We strive to create a thriving community of researchers, engineers (current and future), and visionaries who collaborate to readily provide transparent civil infrastructure system (CIS) information.

Core Values:
1. Collaboration: We foster a collaborative environment that encourages cross-disciplinary partnerships, promoting knowledge exchange and accelerating the pace of discovery.
2. Social Impact: Our lab is dedicated to improving the lives of people around the world by creating infrastructure systems that promote social equity, accessibility, and community well-being.
3. Sustainability: We are committed to promoting sustainable practices throughout the life cycle of civil infrastructure. Our solutions focus on reducing environmental impact, conserving resources, and enhancing long-term viability.
4. Transparent Governance and Policy: Examining governance models and policy frameworks that promote transparency, inclusivity, and accountability in civil infrastructure planning and management.

Impact and Outreach:
The T-CIS Lab aims to extend its impact beyond academia and actively collaborate with industry partners, government agencies, and communities. By forging strong alliances, we strive to ensure the practical implementation of our research outcomes and positively influence infrastructure development worldwide.