
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. How do we find the distance? After looking through this website you will be able to answer that question. Here are the goals:

  • The learner will understand how the distance formula was derived.
  • The learner will know how to find the distance between two points on a graph.
  • The learner will know how to find the distance between two coordinate points.

  • Please check the resources tab for some extras I have provided. Feel free to take the assessment as a pre-test to check your growth from the website.

    My name is Anne Burton and I am very happy to have you. I am a student at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in the Instructional Technology Program. My emphasis is on Instructional Design and Improvement. I have previously taught high school algebra and geometry at Bond County School District. The distance formula has always been one of my favorite topics to teach. I hope you enjoy the website and learn something valuable.
    -Ms. Burton