Final Exam
You can find your Final Exam schedule by looking at your Class Schedule on CougarNet. After logging in with your eid & password, go to Student and then Registration. Select the current term to see your class schedule. Click on Schedule Details. The class meeting days and time and the final exam day and time will be listed for each class there.
Final Exam Scheduling
Academic Scheduling begins the process of scheduling final exams into classroom space during week four of the semester. The templates found above can be used to determine final exam time. However, the specific classroom assignments will be published in a comprehensive Final Exam Schedule midway through the semester.
For scheduling purposes, classes are divided into three categories:
- MATH - Finals for all daytime sections of MATH 120, 120E, 125, 145, 150, and QR 101 occur at 2:00 p.m. on Monday of Finals Week and do not follow the Type A or Type B classification system.
- Type A - Classes that meet during daytime hours on only Tuesday and/or Thursday.
- Type B - All other weekday classes.
There are no final exams scheduled for the Summer term. Additionally, some Fall and Spring classes will not have a scheduled final exam. Examples include classes scheduled during the first eight week part of term that will have a final during the last scheduled meeting, certain schedule types such as laboratory and individualized learning, and classes with no scheduled meetings.
Final Exam Schedule Templates
Final Exam Schedule Template- Spring Odd Year [pdf]
Final Exam Schedule Template- Spring Even Year [pdf]
Final Exam Schedule Template- Fall Odd Year [pdf]
Final Exam Schedule Template- Fall Even Year [pdf]
Final Exams Conflict Policy
Students who have more than two final examinations scheduled for the same day or have two examinations scheduled for the same time may request that one of the examinations be rescheduled by working directly with their instructor or submitting a request to the office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management. The request must include name, student identification number, and a list of scheduled classes, and must be received by the Associate Vice Chancellor at least two weeks prior to the first day of the examination period.
Final Exams Inclement Weather Policy
In the event that inclement weather would cause the closing of the University during the final examination period, the following alternate exam schedule would become operational.
Inclement University closures occurring on one or more days during Final Exam week: |
Final Exam Rescheduled for: |
1st weekday or evening closure during Final Exam week |
Friday of Final Exam week |
Weekend closure prior to Final Exam week |
Saturday following Final Exam week |
2nd weekday or evening closure during Final Exam week |
Saturday following Final Exam week |
3rd weekday or evening closure during Final Exam week |
Monday following Final Exam week |
4th weekday or evening closure during Final Exam week |
Tuesday following Final Exam week |
As an example: If the University has its first closure on Tuesday, the makeup will take place on Friday of final exams week. Should the University close a 2nd time again on Thursday, the makeup will take place on Saturday following final exams week.
In the event of extreme weather, the following radio stations have agreed to cover changing conditions and closures as they occur: KMOX (AM 1120), WSIE (FM 88.7), WBGZ (AM 1570), WSMI (AM 1540, and WGEL (FM 101.7). Additionally, three television stations have agreed to provide information relevant to University operations and programs: KTVI-Channel 2, KMOV-Channel 4, and KSDK-Channel 5.
Notices will also be posted at the University website, emails will be sent to faculty, staff, and student listservs; and e-lert text messages will be sent to faculty, staff, and students who have registered to receive them. (To sign up for e-lert text messages, go to