Elizabeth Sanders
(618) 650-3701
Master of Science in Counseling, Missouri State University
Bachelor of Science in Education, Missouri State University
Professional Background
How long have you been doing what you do?
15 years
How long have you been at SIUE?
10 years
How did you get here?
I have worked in both the high school and community college counseling/advisement arenas and wanted to try the four year university setting – ten years later, SIUE feels like home.
What are you known for professionally? What do you have a knack for?
I am an ENFP! I’m a very patient, caring and passionate person, but also very outgoing and energetic. I’m probably best known for being light-hearted and never taking myself too seriously.
What are you most passionate about professionally?
Meeting students where they are and brainstorming solutions to perceived issues/ obstacles to success.
What do you love most about working at SIUE?
The huge variety of students which we serve. SIUE is a vibrant community comprised of urban, rural, international, domestic, traditional, returning learner students, and we all learn from and help each other become better versions of ourselves. I learn as much from the students as they (hopefully) learn from me.
Are you involved in any professional organizations/groups?
What are your primary duties in your current position?
Advising non-declared freshmen and sophomore students at SIUE, specifically international students.
Personal Information
Where can we find you when you’re not working?
My boyfriend and I are rehabbing a house that was built in 1863, so I am immersed in all things interior design at the moment! I also love yoga, baking, traveling, listening to local music, and shopping.
Where did you grow up?
Alton, Mo.