Original Text:
"The gender pay gap affects all women, but for women of color the pay shortfall is worse. Asian American women's salaries show the smallest gender pay gap, at 90 percent of white men's earnings. Hispanic women's salaries show the largest gap, at 54 percent of white men's earnings. White men are used as a benchmark because they make up the largest demographic group in the labor force" (aauw.org)
Plagiarism Example
The pay gap is an important issue for all women because all women, regardless of race, make less than men of the same race. Because white men tend to make the most money, studies often use them as the benchmark.
This is plagiarism because even though the student did not borrow language, the student did not cite from where they got their information.
Correct Example:
The pay gap is an important issue for all women because all women, regardless of race, make less than men of the same race. Because white men tend to make the most money, studies often use them as the benchmark (aauw.org).