Research Grants for Graduate Students (RGGS)
The purpose of Research Grants for Graduate Students (RGGS) is to support research and creative activities initiated and conducted by SIUE classified graduate students to enhance their academic progress. Although faculty advisors oversee the research or creative activities, the purpose of this program is to support graduate students' work, particularly as it relates to their theses or final projects.
Application Deadlines
Proposals not received by the established deadline are not reviewed for funding.
GradChats: How to Apply for RGGS Funding
SIUE classified graduate students may submit a proposal for RGGS funding if the following conditions are met:
- Good academic standing (Minimum Cumulative Graduate GPA of 3.0)
- At least six completed hours in the current graduate program prior to application (not eligible to apply during your first term of enrollment in the program) *Exception allowed for current Competitive Graduate Award (CGA) recipients who may apply during their first term of enrollment in the graduate program.
- Enrollment in graduate-level coursework as a degree-seeking master's-level student during the academic term for which they are seeking funding
Previous RGGS recipients are ineligible for a second grant.
Applicants may request up to $500. Awards may be granted for the full amount requested or for a lesser amount, depending upon availability of funds and the appropriateness of the amount requested. Awards are based on the merits of the proposal and eligibility of applicant. All meritorious applications are funded up to the limits of the RGGS funds available for each academic term. Students must maintain good academic standing and enrollment during the tenure of the grant.
Research Compliance
Federal statutes establish mandatory training for all researchers. Any research involving human subjects, animals, biohazardous materials, or recombinant DNA must comply with university policies and regulations. Protocols must be approved by the appropriate board prior to any data collection. Research involving human subjects must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) before any aspects of the research commence. If your research contains human subjects, you will need to log into the Kuali Online IRB Protocol System to create and submit your protocol. Visit the IRB and Kuali website for more information.
Application Procedure
Proposals must include all components listed below and be submitted through the online application. The proposal must be written so it can be understood by an educated lay audience.
To have your application considered, submit the below via the RGGS application found on the Graduate Students Forms website by the deadline. Before beginning the application, have the below ready for submission:
- Project Abstract (to be typed into application or copied/pasted)
- Background and Significance of Project (No more than 2 double-spaced pages, to be uploaded as a document file)
- The problem to be solved, the need to be met or the creative activity to be undertaken
- Significance of the research or creative activity
- Hypothesis and objectives, if appropriate
- Discussion of the related literature
- Procedure/Methodology of Project (No more than 2 double-spaced pages, to be uploaded as a document file)
- Design of the study; nature, sources, method of collection of the data and analysis of data; and the availability of facilities, equipment and materials. Clearly describe how items requested in the budget are to be used in conducting the research or creative activity
- Timetable for conducting the project
- Anticipated results
- Budget Narrative (to be typed into application or copied/pasted)
Provide a short narrative justifying the budget and providing details on how budgeted items will be used. - Budget Details (to be typed into application)
Within the application you will provide details for each item included in the project budget. For each item, provide the cost, a brief description, and which category applies (commodities/supplies, travel, contractual services, or equipment). See “Allowable Costs” for examples of appropriate and inappropriate requests. All requested items should be clearly related to the project that is to be conducted. You may not request funds to reimburse departments or other entities for money spent on this project before the receipt of the award.
Allowable and Unallowable Costs
Examples of appropriate requests
- Commodities/Supplies: Project-specific chemicals, supplies, software that will be used during project
- Travel: Mileage, lodging, etc. for the purpose of gathering data which could not be obtained otherwise
- Contractual Services: Photocopying, postage, participant incentives, transcription services
- Equipment: Lab or field equipment that will be retained by the department after the project
*Please note that any equipment purchased with the RGGS grant funding becomes the property of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. The purchases must be returned to your department once you graduate and are no longer affiliated with the University.
Examples of requests which will not be funded are:
- Equipment maintenance
- Supplies which ordinarily could be obtained through the department
- Funds for attendance at professional conferences
- Salaries and wages
- Reimbursement for money spent prior to the award
- Editing services of research paper
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be reviewed by the Research Projects Advisory Board (RPAB), a faculty committee of the Graduate Council. In recommending proposals for funding, the RPAB committee considers the following criteria:
- The intelligibility, clarity and persuasiveness of the narrative
- The originality/creativity and significance of the proposed research or creative activity
- The clarity and appropriateness of the project design and procedure
- The feasibility of the proposed project
Fiscal Regulations
Funds will be transferred to an ICR account within the department. The student may begin spending their award when they have received their award notification, which typically occurs within one month following the application deadline. Students may be allowed up to one year from the time of notification to expend funds. Awards are for future expenditures only. It is the responsibility of the individual researcher to expend funds only for approved items. The unit and major advisor are responsible for overseeing the appropriate use of the funds in a timely manner.