Proposal Priorities
The 2025-2026 EUE cycle will give special consideration to projects that address one of the following priorities:
- Course redesign projects that utilize inclusive, student-centered pedagogies to address equity gaps, improve the achievement of student learning outcomes, and enhance retention. Courses that have high numbers of sections, a high ratio of D/F/W grades, or those key required courses with high enrollments and opportunities to improve equitable student success will be prioritized.
- Development or revision of courses with the IS designation specific to SIUE Changemakers. These courses should: align to a specific Changemakers Pathway and integrate the high impact practices of either collaborative learning or community-engaged learning.
Proposals for the 2025-2026 EUE cycle must be submitted by 2/28/2025.
Applications for multiple-year funding or travel study are not considered.
EUE awards will be given pending budget availability.
General Guidelines
All proposals must be prepared according to the following guidelines. Proposals that do not meet these guidelines in full will not be reviewed.
- The project must be clearly related to the education of undergraduate students. Projects involving students in the School of Dental Medicine or the School of Pharmacy may be proposed.
- Construction and renovation projects will not be supported.
- Course and/or curriculum development is subject to University approval process.
Funding Restrictions
- Funding can begin at the start of the 2025 summer semester. Funds must be expended by 6/30/26.
- Projects requiring permanent commitment of funds will not be supported. Continuing projects should demonstrate increasing commitment from other sources.
- Requests for computer labs will generally not be funded by EUE.
- Payment of honoraria or awards to faculty is normally not supported
- Proposals may request academic year assigned time for research, otherwise known as “course-buyout.” When requesting academic year assigned time for research, salary should be calculated at the adjunct Lecturer rate. Contact your department administrator for specific information about how to calculate this rate for your planned course-buyout. A letter of support from the Department Chair and Dean must accompany these requests.
- Proposals may request summer salary up to $9,000 or one month of summer salary, whichever amount is the lesser of the two.
- Faculty or staff on 12-month contracts are not eligible for additional salary as overload pay.
- Use of funds must comply with University policies for contractual services.
Cost Sharing
- Proposals involving the purchase for students, of meals or tickets for travel, performances, or any other item that students would normally pay for by themselves, require cost-sharing from the students. It is recommended that such projects request approximately 1/3 of budget from EUE. The remainder should be supported by other sources (e.g. department funds, student cost sharing, and/or other external sources). Student tuition is not considered cost sharing.
- At various times, the Faculty Development Council makes changes to the program guidelines during a particular year. The current guidelines provided on through the Proposals link on the left will provide guidelines for the current year.
Projects involving equipment must be clearly justified in relation to the objectives of the EUE program. Individual units may use the EUE program as part of a long-range plan based on unit emphases, provided that proposed projects are commensurate with the goals and objectives of EUE. Equipment requests exceeding $5,000 should be accompanied by a cost-sharing plan in which at least 20% of the equipment cost is provided by the unit. EUE equipment emphases are to:
- Make possible the addition of new courses, specializations or other activities, or the significant improvement of an existing one, and;
- Provide access to new technology in a field.
Proposals to replace broken, worn-out or stolen instructional equipment or to obtain additional equipment to increase access to a course or program because of increased enrollment will not be funded. Support for these types of projects should be pursued through the use of Instructional Equipment funds.
The purchase of equipment, information resources, or services of a type that might be provided by the Library or Information Technology Services should be discussed with the EUE Coordinator to determine availability of existing equipment as well as future plans. In addition, requests for equipment should adhere to the following guidelines:
- Requests for equipment must be clearly linked to goals of EUE
- Equipment is to: 1) make possible the addition of new courses, specializations or other activities, or the significant improvement of existing ones or 2) provide access to new technology in a field
- Equipment requests exceeding $5,000 require cost sharing of 20%
- Proposals to replace broken, worn-out or stolen equipment, or to meet needs associated with increased enrollments will not be supported
- Purchase of library-related equipment, information services, or other similar services must be coordinated with Lydia Jackson in Lovejoy Library
- Requests for computer labs/classrooms will generally not be funded without external support
Recurring Projects
EUE often receives proposals from departments or units to carry out activities which were previously funded by EUE. Although these proposals do not request permanent funding, the recurring nature of these projects conflicts with the EUE priority of funding ideas which are new and innovative. While EUE recognizes the importance and impact of many such projects, additional support from EUE may be contingent upon evidence of significant cost sharing by the unit. Faculty and staff members should check with their departments or units or the EUE website to determine if similar projects have been funded in the past. Project directors preparing proposals that may be viewed as recurring projects are highly encouraged to seek matching support from their unit or from external sources prior to submitting an EUE proposal.
Award Acceptance
Upon notification of the award, recipients will be informed of any conditions of the award and will be provided additional information on project management (re-budgeting, Final Report, etc.). Each recipient must agree to follow EUE reporting procedures before the project can be initiated.
Final Reports for Projects must be submitted to the EUE Coordinator by no later than first week of December following the close of the fiscal year in order to be eligible for future EUE funding. A progress report explaining the present status of the project as well as a justification why it is not completed must be sent to the Coordinator if the project funds are carried over and/or the project is not completed on time. A report template is available as a Word Document or as a PDF File (click to download your preferred file format).