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ENGTEC’s Mission:

ENGTEC is a cross-disciplinary business, manufacturing and technology incubator, fabrication and proof-of-concept facility available to SIUE’s students and faculty as they collaborate with private-sector customers, strategic partners and other innovators. The Center’s focus is to support and increase knowledge and innovation in the areas of technology, engineering, and advanced manufacturing through investigative study, innovation, and formal, hands-on education to better prepare students for their productive entrance into the workplace.

ENGTEC’s Vision:

ENGTEC will become financially self-supportive within two years. It will produce revenues from contracted projects, fees for service, royalties and intellectual property that will offset the Center’s operating costs and generate funds sufficient to sustain the Center’s growth. The Center will advance the mission of SIUE while benefiting innovators, entrepreneurs, organizations and industries served by it. The Center will link higher education – both faculty and students – to industry job creators and their real-world requirements.

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