Fellowship Program Information

The Fellowship in Implant Dentistry is a one-year, non-certificate, clinically oriented program in which implant fellows perform all phases of implant dentistry. Fellows are selected for training each year from a nationwide applicant pool. The responsibilities of the fellows include, but are not limited to:
- Performance of advanced patient care in implant dentistry and related clinical disciplines under supervision of the faculty of the implant program
- Clinical supervision of implant procedures performed by AEGD graduate students and undergraduate students
- Organization and facilitation of journal reviews and seminars in implant dentistry
- Participation in clinical and/or laboratory research in implant dentistry leading to publication and/or presentation
- Participation in didactic and preclinical laboratory education in implant dentistry for undergraduate students
The fellow’s time in the program will consist of the following approximate percentages:
Program Time Allotments
- Restoring implants - 30%
- Surgery - 25%
- General dentistry - 25%
- Teaching undergraduate students - 10%
- Lab/research - 10%
Ongoing Educational Opportunities
The Dental Implant Program sponsors an ongoing schedule of continuing education opportunities:
- Full-day courses featuring local, national and international lecturers
- Clinical courses
- Multiple-day scientific meetings
Research Commitment
The faculty members who support the Implant Program believe that it is not only our goal, but our duty to continually search for and attempt to provide significant advancements in the field of implant dentistry through ongoing research efforts. This Implant Program is dedicated to the exploration of both basic and applied research that will refine biomaterials and techniques, thus improving the long-term stability, function and esthetics of dental implants and related prostheses.
The successful candidate will be awarded a faculty contract with the rank of fellow. The term of employment will be one year, July 1 to June 30, and will consist of one academic year employment contract and two summer session employment contracts. This is a term contract; reappointment is not automatic. Appointment to a tenure-track faculty position following the fellowship year will be solely dependent on the needs and mission of the University and is subject to the selection criteria for such a position, as set forth by University policies.
Interested applicants should visit our FAQ and our Admissions page for details.