Club Sports Application and Position Descriptions
If you are interested in joining a club sport and do not see your sport offered or would like more information please email Natalie Hawkins
Club Sports President Duties
The President is the chief officer of each Club Sport. S/he is the primary contact and coordinator of all Club Sport activities.
- Read and understand the contents of this website.
- Maintain a current list of emails and phone numbers for the club officers and members.
- Ensure that all active participants have signed and completed an Assumption of Risk Waiver form before participating in club related activities. These forms must be kept on file in the Club Sport office.
- Remain aware of the club's financial status - income and expenses.
- Ensure that the Club Sport Office has an up-to-date constitution.
- Learn what services are available through the Club Sport office - See the section on benefits. (refer to benefit page)
- Notify the Club Sport office of changes in leadership.
- Meet with the Club Sport Advisor periodically to update him/her on Club Sport activities.
- Work with the Club Sport Treasurer to prepare an annual budget.
- Attend or send a representative to monthly Club Sport Executive Council meetings.
- Ensure that a certified Athletic Trainer is in attendance at all Club Sport practices, competitions or activities home and away. (High risk sports i.e. Club Football and Ice Hockey)
- Complete all required university forms.
- Promote good sportsmanship on and off the field or court.
- Implement proper disciplinary action procedures when necessary.
- Hold monthly meetings with the Club Sport officers and semester meetings with the Club Sport members.
- Notify the Assistant Director/Graduate Assistant of Club Sports of travel, fund raising, and program plans.
- Submit semester facility requests by the designated deadline.
- Understand and adhere to the insurance policies and procedures.
- Check the Club Sport mailbox (Located in the Club Sport Office) weekly.
- Supervise fund-raising projects.
Club Sports Vice President Duties
- Assist club with scheduling games and special events.
- Assist club with travel, transportation, lodging, and food.
- Assist Club Sport coach/instructors.
- Arrange for officials, supervisors, and field lining when necessary.
- Develop criteria for Club Sport recognition/awards for membership approval.
Club Sports Treasurer Duties
- Submit bills, receipts, invoices and/or three bids with purchase requests.
- Ensure that all club members have paid their membership dues, if required.
- Prepare ledger sheets for recording all income and expenses for SGA, Allocation, and SIUe Club Sport accounts.
- Present budget requests to the Assistant Director/Graduate Assistant of Club Sports by the spring deadline.
- Deposit funds (dues, fund raising income etc.) in the Club Sport account.
Club Sports Secretary Duties
- Keep records of all Club Sport activities, meeting minutes, forms, etc.
- Call club or email members to remind them of upcoming meeting, events, tournaments, etc.
Club Sports Advisor Duties
- An advisor is a full-time faculty/staff member at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.
- Attend the annual Fall Advisor Workshop the first year as an Advisor.
- Assist in the development and implementation of club sport goals and objectives, an evaluation process and documentation of pertinent information.
- Be available to club sport leaders during the development of projects and programs; to provide expertise and direction to help insure that activities are well planned and reflect favorably on the University.
- Attend semester membership meetings and executive committee meetings when available.
- Advisors are encouraged to participate in the club's activities.
- The advisor must approve all expenditures of Student Organization Account funds.
- Assist with the development of annual reports and budgets.
- Leadership Opportunities
Club Sports Officers can run for Club Sports Federation Executive Board positions and Student Recreational Sports Association positions. Club Sport officers can also participate in the Leadership Series offered each semester. - Mailing Address
Each club has a mailbox in the Club Sport and Intramural Office. Clubs may use the Campus Recreational Sports Office as a permanent mailing address. The correct address is:Club Name
c/o Campus Recreational Sports
Box 1157
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Edwardsville, IL 62026 - Storage
Clubs may request equipment storage space as necessary. - Programming Assistance
The Assistant Director/Graduate Assistant of Club Sports is available for problem solving, advice, and direction. An open door policy exists for club members and officers. - Publication
The Assistant Director/Graduate Assistant of Club Sports can assist club officers with maximizing the use of the advertising for club activities and promotions. - Meeting Space
Clubs can reserve conference rooms and smart classrooms in the SFC for meetings. - Facility Space
Clubs can request space in SFC, VC, or Rec Plex for practice or events. No facility rental charges will be incurred for club sports activities in Recreational Sports facilities. - Equipment Usage
Sport Equipment specific to the club may be available for use in events. Special Event Equipment (including chairs, tables, scoreboards, flip scores, coolers, may be provided when inventory is available). - Scheduling Personnel
The Assistant Director/Graduate Assistant of Club Sport assists in the reservation of space for practices, tournaments, home games, or special events. - Social / Networking
Club Sports can help students learn commitment, focus and teamwork. Participants also gain lasting friendships. Club Sports also offer the opportunity for serious student-athletes to continue playing in a competitive environment.