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Emeriti Professors
Suzanne Cataldi
Ph.D. Rutgers University, 1991.
Professor Emerita. Sue Cataldi retired in 2016. During her 21 years as a member of the department and Women’s Studies faculty, she taught courses in the areas of existentialism, ethics, feminism, contemporary European philosophy and the philosophies of law, literature and religion. She served as department chair from 2009-2012.
Much of her published scholarship focuses on developing Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy of embodiment to take more explicit account of its underlying affective and ecological dimensions. She is the author of Emotion, Depth and Flesh: A Study of Sensitive Space (1993) and co-editor (with William Hamrick) of Merleau-Ponty and Environmental Philosophy (2007), both published by SUNY Press. Representative publications include an essay on “Sheltering Space” in Merleau-Ponty: Space, Place, Architecture (Ohio University Press, 2015); “Existentialism and the Emotions” in Bloomsbury Companion to Existentialism (2014); “The Philosopher and Her Shadow: Irigaray’s Reading of Merleau-Ponty,” Philosophy Today (2004); “Embodying Perceptions of Death” in Chiasms: Merleau-Ponty and the Problem of the Flesh (2000). Her current research projects are focused on the notion of trust and in the areas of affect theory, film studies and psychoanalysis.
Charles A. Corr
Ph.D. St. Louis University, 1966
Professor emeritus. Since taking early retirement in 1999, Dr. Corr's research and writing interests have focused on the field of death, dying, and bereavement. His publications include three dozen books and booklets, along with more than 100 chapters and articles in professional journals. They cover a wide range of topics: education about death, dying, and bereavement; hospice principles and practice; pediatric palliative care; bereavement, grief, and mourning; helping children and adolescents cope with death; death-related literature for children and adolescents; sudden infant death syndrome; and organ and tissue donors and their family members. With Clyde Nabe and Donna Corr, he is the author of Death and Dying, Life and Living (6th ed.; Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2009).
Charles Corr's professional work has been recognized by: the Association for Death Education and Counseling (Outstanding Personal Contributions, 1988; Death Education, 1996); Children's Hospice International in an award for Outstanding Contribution to the World of Hospice Support for Children (1989) and through the establishment of the Charles A. Corr Award Lifetime Achievement [Literature] (1995); The Dr. Robert Fulton CDEB Founder's Award from the Center for Death Education and Bioethics at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse for Outstanding University Teaching, Research, Publication, and Professional Service in the Field of Death, Dying, and Bereavement (2007); the 2008 DonorCARE Award from the Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation; and by Research Scholar (1990), Outstanding Scholar (1991), and Kimmel Community Service (1994) awards from SIUE.
Currently, Dr. Corr is a member of: the Board of Directors of the Suncoast Institute, an affiliate of the Hospice of the Florida Suncoast (2000-present); the ChiPPS (Children's Project on Palliative/Hospice Services) Leadership Committee of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (2002-present); the Executive Committee of the National Donor Family Council (1992-2001 & 2006-present); the International Work Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement (1979-present; Chairperson, 1989-1993); the Association for Death Education and Counseling (1978-present; Board of Directors, 1980-1983); and the editorial boards of Omega, Journal of Death and Dying and Journeys: A Newsletter to Help in Bereavement.
John Danley
Ph.D. University of Rochester, 1977, M.Div, Union Theological Seminary, New York City, 1973
Teaching and research interests: ethics, applied ethics (business ethics, engineering ethics), and contemporary political philosophy. Current research focus is the investigation of conceptual and practical relationships between risk, politics and morality. Representative publications include The Modern Corporation and Its Role in a Free Society (Notre Dame Press, 1994); articles in Philosophy and Public Affairs, Philosophical Studies, Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, and Business and Society Review. He is a member of the American Philosophical Association, Illinois Philosophical Society, the Southwestern Philosophical Society, the Society for Business Ethics, the International Association for Business and Society, and the International Society for Ethics and Economics.
Ronald J. Glossop
Ph.D. Washington University in St. Louis, 1960.
Dr. Ronald J. Glossop is Professor Emeritus of Philosophical Studies at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville (SIUE). He also served as Coordinator of Peace Studies at SIUE for 25 years. His Ph.D. in philosophy (1960) is from Washington University in St. Louis, and his B.A. (1955) (summa cum laude) is from Carthage College. He has also taught at Boise State University (Idaho) and Portland State University (Oregon). He is author of three books: Philosophy: An Introduction to Its Problems and Vocabulary (Dell, 1974); Confronting War: An Examination of Humanity's Most Pressing Problem (McFarland, 1983; 2nd ed. 1987; 3rd ed. 1994; 4th ed. 2001); and World Federation? A Critical Analysis of Federal World Government, (McFarland, 1993; Esperanto translation Monda Federacio? by J. Rapley, 2001). Over 50 of his articles have been published in professional and scholarly publications, and he has presented numerous papers at professional meetings for philosophers and educators. He has given talks on how to promote peace and how to deal with other contemporary global issues not only in the United States but also in Brazil, China, France, Russia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Austria, the Czech Republic, Norway, South Korea, Lithuania, and Croatia--sometimes in English, sometimes in Esperanto.
Dr. Glossop has served as Chair of the Greater St. Louis chapter of World Federalist Association/Citizens for Global Solutions since 1970. He also has regularly been a member of its national Board of Directors and its Political Action Committee. He is President of the American Association of Teachers of Esperanto and Director of the international Esperanto organization for children, "Children around the World," whose web-site is Professor Glossop actively participates in the Esperanto movement at the international, national, and local levels. He also serves as a member of the board of the United Nations Association of Greater St. Louis. He participates too in other organizations such as Concerned Philosophers for Peace, the Peace and Justice Studies Association, and International Philosophers for Peace. Glossop is a member of the honorary societies Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi and has been named an honorary member of Rotary International.
He continues to work as a volunteer seeking to help promote world peace through global democracy ( and, Esperanto (, and, and Unitarian-Universalism ( and In 2009 he participated in the national convention of Citizens for Global Solutions March 19-21 in Washington DC, the national convention of Esperanto-USA May 22-25 in St. Louis, the Unitarian-Universalist General Assembly June 24-28 in Salt Lake City, the North American Summer Courses of Esperanto June 29-July 17 in San Diego, an excursion during most of the month of August to visit programs in China where Esperanto is being taught to children, the convention of the International Council of Unitarian-Universalists September 1-5 in Cluj, Romania, the annual Autumn Meeting of Esperantists October 10-12 in Lake George, New York, and the annual convention of Concerned Philosophers for Peace November 6-8 in Dayton, Ohio. In January-February 2012 in Esperanto he taught the course "Alfronti Militon" ["Confronting War"] in Hainan, China. It can be viewed on the website "Universitato de Esperanto" <>. His most recent presentation was "The Meaning of the Twenty-First Century: From Inter-nationalism to Globalism" to the 45th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 12 June 2015.
Bill Hamrick
Ph.D. Vanderbilt University 1971; Ph.D. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2008.
After retiring in 2005, he has participated in, and read papers at, several professional meetings and other venues. He also read papers at the Metaphysical Society of America meeting in 2008 and, in the same year, to a conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, celebrating the centenary of the birth of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. After 25 years, he finally resigned from the Executive Committee of the British Society for Phenomenology, but he is still a member of the Editorial Board of the Society's Journal. In addition, he refereed papers for Human Studies until that journal ceased publication. He was also the ACLS representative for the Metaphysical Society of America until 2015. In 2007, his co-edited (with Suzanne L. Cataldi) collection, Merleau-Ponty and Environmental Philosophy, Reflections on the Landscapes of Thought, was published by the State University of New York Press (SUNY). The following year saw the publication of an essay invited for the Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought, "Phenomenology and Metaphysics." In 2011, he published Nature and Logos, A Whiteheadian Key to Merleau-Ponty's Fundamental Thought (SUNY Press, 2011), written with Jan Van der Veken of the Institute of Philosophy in Leuven.
More recently, he was a contributor to, and the principal and co-editor of, Merleau-Ponty and the Art of Perception (SUNY Press, 2016). He also read two papers at the International Whitehead Conference meeting in Claremont, CA, in August 2015: “Meaning and Nature: Whitehead and God” and “Humanity and Adversity.” In 2016, he commented on a paper at the annual Metaphysical Society meeting at Emory University and was also an invited keynote speaker at the annual meeting of the International Consortium of North American Phenomenologists (ICNAP) meeting at Arizona State University. He also presented “Reading Merleau-Ponty Reading Montaigne” at the annual International Merleau-Ponty Circle conference meeting at Brock University, St. Catharine’s, Ontario. In April 2017, he presented “Sense and Sensibility in Merleau-Ponty” at the annual Colloque International des Études Françaises et Francophones des XXe et XXIe Siècles, at Indiana University. He was also invited to read a public lecture at Arizona State University about kindness and justice and spoke to a class on kindness and interpersonal relations in which his Kindness and the Good Society was used as the primary course text. He also was invited to be part of a panel discussing Thomas Merton at ICNAP's May 2017 meeting at Ramapo State College in New Jersey on the theme of Mindfulness.
Thomas Paxson, Jr.
Ph.D. University of Rochester, 1970
Retired in 2002. Principal research interests have been in epistemology, ancient Greek philosophy, and interdisciplinary studies. Teaching interests have ranged widely over ancient Greek philosophy, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, philosophical systems originating in Asia, and interdisciplinary courses on death & dying, war & peace, and foundations of business.
Margaret A. (Peg) Simons
Ph.D. Purdue University, 1977; 2007-08 William and Margaret Going Professor
Her research specialization is the philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir. Her teaching interests include: philosophy of race and racism, feminist philosophy, existentialism, and contemporary Continental philosophy. A founding editor of Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy and a former Co-Director of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Simons has published many articles and given over 100 professional paper presentations, many of which focus on the philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir. She is the author of Beauvoir and The Second Sex: Feminism, Race and the Origins of Existentialism (Rowman & Littlefield, 1999) and editor of The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Critical Essays (Indiana University Press, 2006). She edited Simone de Beauvoir's Philosophical Writings (University of Illinois Press, 2004), the first volume in a seven volume series of Beauvoir's texts in English translation, co-edited by Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir and supported by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the French Ministry of Culture, and published by the University of Illinois Press. The second volume in the Beauvoir Series, Beauvoir's Diary of a Philosophy Student, Volume 1, 1926-27, co-edited by Simons, Barbara Klaw, Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, and Marybeth Timmermann was published by the University of Illinois Press in 2006. She is currently completing the third volume in the Series, Beauvoir's Wartime Diary, co-edited with Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir and translated by Anne Deing Cordero.
Ezio Vailati
Ph.D. University of California at San Diego, 1985
Ezio Vailati retired in 2014. He received his Ph.D. from University of California at San Diego in 1985 and was a valuable member of the Philosophy Department for 24 years. He taught a wide array of subjects during his time here, including topics within history of modern philosophy, the history of modern science, and metaphysics. It was through his teaching initiative that the subject of atheism was engaged with on a serious level within the religious minor program. Some of his publications include: "Leibniz on Reflection and its Natural Veridicality," Journal of the History of Philosophy, 1987; "Leibniz on Locke on Weakness of the Will," Journal of the History of Philosophy, 1990; with Paolo Mancosu, "Torricelli's Infinitely Long Solid and Its Philosophical Reception in the Seventeenth Century," Isis, 1991; "Clarke's Extended Soul," Journal of the History of Philosophy, 1993; and "Leibniz and Clarke on Miracles," Journal of the History of Philosophy, 1995. In addition, he has authored Leibniz and Clarke: A Study of their Correspondence (Oxford University Press: 1997) and has edited Clarke: A Demonstration of the Nature and Attributes of God (Cambridge University Press:1998). At present Dr. Vailati is living in Chicago, enjoying time with his wife.