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CAS Strategic Plan on Internationalization and Diversity

The overarching focus of the College of Arts and Sciences 2010 Strategic Plan is Experiential Learning . The general areas of focus within the Strategic Plan are an innovative interdisciplinary curriculum, taking students to the world and bringing the world to our students, faculty-student engagement, hands-on learning, intellectual enrichment, raising our College profile, and improving physical and financial assets.

CAS Mission

A CAS education is a journey of intellectual transformation in which students explore diversity of ideas, experiences, and people .

CAS Diversity Statement

By fostering an open, harmonious, and hospitable context for learning and work, the College of Arts and Sciences encourages all its faculty, staff and students to recognize the intrinsic value of every human being in an increasingly interconnected world. Each member of the College of Arts and Sciences is responsible for actively supporting this commitment.

Guided by its mission and philosophy, the College of Arts and Sciences has a number of initiatives that promote internationalization and diversity through "Experiential Learning" among students, faculty, staff and the community.

Experiential Learning - Taking Students to the World and Bringing the World to our Students

CAS internationalization and diversity efforts focus on expanding the horizons of students. Initiatives under this broad goal include:

Study Abroad and Overseas Student Trips

Study abroad and student trips overseas, that have an academic focus, are often life-changing experiences for students. They provide rich opportunities for learning that cannot be delivered in any other way. Providing as many students as possible with the opportunity to have some kind of overseas experience is particularly valuable to our SIUE students who have frequently not traveled beyond the local region.

Action examples:

  • Focus on fund raising with the goal of establishing an endowment to assist students with costs, and to provide reliable consistent funding
  • Explore any possibility of federal funding or funding through grants
  • Targeted fund-raising. For example in St. Louis within particular ethnic communities
  • Recognize the significant effort by faculty that is involved since many trips come to fruition from the ground up
  • Coordinate efforts with the Office of International Programs
  • Support project based, related to particular travel plans, funding efforts

International students at SIUE

International students who attend SIUE greatly enrich the learning environment, and bring the world to our students through their unique and varies experiences and culture.

Action examples:

  • Focus on the recruitment of undergraduate students since most current international students are at the graduate level
  • Explore ways to overcome admission issues such as difficulties reading and understanding international transcripts
  • Provide web information in multiple languages

Visiting scholars and artists

Visiting scholars and artists also greatly enrich the learning environment both in and outside the classroom.

Action examples:

  • Continue with the newly launched CAS 'Visiting Scholar Initiative'
  • Explore the possibilities for faculty exchange with places with which we already have connections

Diverse Faculty

A diverse faculty, in the broadest sense possible, and one that mirrors the human variability of the world is an essential component in the structure of the University and College. Thus, attracting and retaining a diverse faculty must be a major goal for CAS.

Action examples:

  • We must look for ways to offer incentives, and avoid inadvertently structuring disincentives, in order to maximize our success in attracting individuals who will diversify our faculty
  • Our local area and campus climate are pluses that should be fully used during recruitment
  • Develop a resource page for search committees; include a list of such things as childcare.
  • Coordinate efforts with the Office of Provost to fully integrate the resources it provides
  • Target potential faculty members in the last year of doctoral program and get the word to individuals
  • Attend conferences for minority faculty so we have a presence and make connections

Faculty exchange and travel

Faculty exchange is an option that brings visiting faculty to the College and thus enriches the learning experience. At the same time such an exchange provides our permanent faculty with experience at another institution that they can integrate in their future teaching.

Action examples:

  • Cuba initiative to develop formal relationships with Cuban institutions and individuals
  • Likewise with the Middle East initiative
  • Pursue additional formal relationships with other institutions that may support faculty exchange
  • Explore the possibilities for faculty exchange with places we already have connections with
  • Coordinate with the SIUC President's Office to see what might be possible through the State Department
  • Work with the Office of International Programs as it reorganizes
  • Develop procedures and strategies to facilitate solutions to financial questions that may present barriers to exchange
  • Develop procedures and strategies to facilitate solutions to housing and transportation questions that may present barriers to exchange
  • Consider asynchronous exchanges and single semester exchanges that may minimize curricular problems

Service Learning

Service learning that involves student engagement in community projects can have a significant impact on both students and can enhance ties to the community. The opportunities for service learning exist at SIUE but not everyone may be aware of them or incorporate them as options within a course or program.

Action examples:

  • Work with the Kimmel Leadership Center on getting information about Service Learning out to faculty
  • Recognize faculty involvement in volunteerism as an example to students
  • Show case service learning opportunities to faculty and students

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