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College of Arts & Sciences
Institutional Header

Leadership Council


Tom Foster President
TBA President Elect
Kathleen Vongsathorn Curriculum
Leah O'Brien Elections
Jason Yu Policies
Christopher Theodorakis Promotion and Tenure
Sorin Nastasia Review
Tom Foster Sabbatical and Awards

CAS Congress Configuration


1. Meet at least monthly with the CAS Dean.

2. Set the date, the agenda and run the meeting(s) of the Congress. Only the Leadership Council can convene the Congress. The Congress must be convened at least once a semester.

3. Disseminate minutes from the Congress meeting to CAS faculty no later than 5 working days after the meeting.

4. Create Ad Hoc Committees as needed to help the Congress or a Standing Committee conduct and complete its business. These Ad Hoc committees are internal to the Congress and are not the same as the Ad Hoc Committees specified in this Article.

5. Except where explicitly stated otherwise, the Leadership Council will decide how to populate each Standing Committee based on workload, fairness, and member interest. Membership on committees can be revisited during the year, but should reflect the wishes of affected Congress members. The reassignment of members midyear should be a rare event and will require the approval of the Congress.

6. Establish public forums for CAS faculty twice yearly (Fall and Spring semesters). The purpose of the forums is to solicit input and encourage dialogue on issues of concern to faculty. The issues discussed in the Public Forums will be determined by the Faculty Survey, administered and analyzed by the Policies Committee. The survey will use both qualitative and quantitative measures to identify the top issues of concern for the present year. The outcome of such Public Forums is discussion, problem-solving, and informal recommendations to the Council to share with the Dean’s Office. To assure the productivity of the Public Forums, actual recommendations for each identified issue is the strongly encouraged outcome. The Fall forum will discuss the results of the Faculty Survey and identify issues to be addressed. The Spring forum, among other issues, will discuss progress on the issues. Public Forums shall not replace annual gatherings or business meetings.

7. Provide an electronic newsletter each semester informing the faculty of Congress business.

Meeting Recordings:

Fall 2021 Meeting

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