Degree Requirements
Each student must develop an academic plan that satisfies the following requirements:
- Minimum total number of hours required for the degree (120 hours)
- General Education (36 hours)
- Elective Hours (81 hours)
- Courses taken as elective hours should be designed around the student’s interest toward their career and educational goals. The elective hours must be completed with an average GPA of 2.0.
- Senior Project (3 hours)
- The Senior Project (a capstone academic experience), serving as a component in senior assessment, affords the student an opportunity for self-reflection and guided independent study. The academic breadth of the liberal studies program orients students’ attention toward activities that might include, but are not limited to, a student practicum, internship, integrative research paper, presentation, or creative undertaking. A minimum grade of C in LIBS 400 is required to meet degree requirements.
- A minimum of 36 hours of upper-level (300/400 level) coursework must be completed.
- A minor is not required with the Bachelor of Liberal Studies. However, if students wish to declare a minor, students must follow the requirements outlined by the department in which the minor is located.
Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 to remain in good academic standing. Students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic warning, but will be retained in the Bachelor of Liberal Studies major. If a student ends up being placed on academic probation, the student will be removed from the academic major.