Graduation Requirements
In addition to completing the course work, students must also satisfy a comprehensive examination requirement by earning a grade of B or above in MBA 534. Students who earn a grade below B will be given a second opportunity to complete the course in a satisfactory manner. Performance of individuals who fail to earn a B or above in the second attempt will be reviewed by two additional members of the School of Business Curriculum Committee who may recommend that the student be dropped from the program or, in rare instances, be permitted a third attempt to earn a grade of B or above under another instructor.
Students must successfully complete all course work and practicum hours; develop an electronic portfolio; develop, implement, evaluate, and prepare a written doctoral practice project; and complete an oral presentation of the project. Because the American Association of Colleges of Nursing has mandated that DNP graduates complete at least 1,000 hours of practice post-baccalaureate as part of a supervised academic program, master’s degree transcripts will be evaluated individually, with a maximum of 500 clinical hours from advanced practice specialization programs counting toward the total 1,000 required hours.