University Congress
All Sections
The University is at an important juncture where resources, growth, and program expansion all dictate different courses of action. The purpose of this congress is to explore this problem in terms of direction and priorities for SIUE. The Congress will include the members of the Staff and Faculty Senates, Student Governance, UPBC, UQC, the vice chancellors, the deans, and the directors who report directly to the vice chancellors. It will provide:
- A forum to provide SIUE with a direction and sense of purpose
- A forum to explore, discuss and debate crucial issues facing the university
- A forum to give faculty, staff and students a voice in our future
What it isn’t:
- An official policy-making body with binding votes
How will this work:
- Two half-day meetings
- Opening presentation for each question
- Structured, small group discussions
- Electronically-enabled feedback to capture ideas from small groups
- Each question will be revisited
- Task forces formed to implement ideas
- Open forums for the campus held in the spring
- Academic Affairs Representatives
- University Quality Council
- Associate Deans
- Assistant Deans
- Chancellor Staff Representatives
- University Planning and Budget Council
- Deans
- Faculty Senate
- Graduate Council
- Staff Senate
- Student Government
- Student Affairs Representatives
- University Advancement Representatives
- Vice Chancellor for Administration Representatives
- Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives
Summary of Action Items
- Summary of Action Items [pdf]
- Question 1 Action Items [pdf]
- Question 2 Action Items [pdf]
- Question 3 Action Items [pdf]
- Question 4 Action Items [pdf]
- Question 5 Action Items [pdf]
1/29/16 Meeting
- Congress Transcript
- Q1 Draft
- Q2 Draft
- Q3 Draft
- Q4 Draft
- Q5 Draft
- SIUE Congress Session III Presentation
- Strategy Map
11/6/15 Meeting
- Chancellor Congress Overview
- Overview of Activities
- Enrollment Overview
- Academic Program Prioritization
- SIUE Congress Back Channel Transcript