East St. Louis Campus Connection | ||||||||||
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Thursday, June 08, 2023 | ||||||||||
The advantages of SIUE’s East St. Louis Upward Bound (UB) programs are life-building and far-reaching, according to UB student Ahmaya Mazyun. “Upward Bound helps students with academic success, prepares them for college, finds ways for them to get to college and helps them discover their college interests or area of study,” said Mazyun, a Cahokia High School student who has been in the UB Madison/Lovejoy/Cahokia (MLC) program for four years. Mazyun was also eager to add that UB has enhanced her as student and a person. “Upward Bound helped me improve as a student, by encouraging me to join clubs at school,” she added. “In addition, the program assisted me in bettering myself, by constantly reminding me to keep moving further. Currently, I am happy with where I am in life, but in the future, I can achieve more and be in a better place.” The programs are a success, in part, because of the staff, according to Mazyun, who cites the person who stands out the most to her. “Mr. (Christopher) Cooper (program director for SIUE TRIO East St. Louis Upward Bound Programs) is my favorite staff member,” shared Mazyun. “He accepts everyone for who they are, treats and protects everyone like his children, and has always been there for us. Mr. Cooper is an inspiration.” Upward Bound (UB) programs help youth prepare for higher education and serves students from East St. Louis and SIUE East St. Louis Charter (EC), and Madison, Lovejoy and Cahokia (MLC) High Schools. Participants receive instruction in literature, composition and STEM subjects on college campuses after school, on Saturdays and during the summer. The quality services provided will prepare the students for successful high school completion and entrance into post-secondary programs. Upward Bound is a college-preparatory program designed to serve low-income and/or potential first-generation college students who are currently in grades 9-12. Upward Bound is part of the SIUE East St. Louis Center. Photo: |
Helping non-traditional students to quickly find living-wage jobs is what has landed Natalie Whitman at the SIUE East St. Louis Center, and she couldn’t be more happier. “Giving student’s a proper education in a specific capacity they are interested in, to gain a living wage job in a short period of time, is truly life changing,” said Whitman, coordinator of Alternative Credit and Credentials. Whitman is a staff member in the Office of Online Services and Educational Outreach (OSEO) and works from the East St. Louis campus once a week. Whitman, who came to East St. Louis in March 2023, works with non-traditional students to grow their skills to become more marketable for living wage jobs in a short period of time. “I enroll students into the non-credit program they want to succeed in, and guide and encourage them throughout the process,” explained Whitman. “Once they have completed the competencies, I help them find employment. The programs are self-paced, so they are geared towards those with families and full-time jobs, making success very attainable with hard work.” Alternative Credit and Credentials offers tremendous opportunity to provide learners with new skills when applying for jobs or to decrease degree time by gaining credit for skills they already possess, according to OSEO Director Mary Ettling. “Having Natalie as our student-facing, point-person for these efforts means that participants will be encouraged and supported no matter what their educational or career goals are,” continued Ettling. “I could not be more pleased to be working with someone who has a true passion and gift for working with our learners!” The programs have helped students, ranging in age from 18-60s, achieve success, noted Whitman. “I enjoy this job, because it allows me to help students from all backgrounds who may need more support,” said Whitman. “I also love being a part of the East St. Louis community and campus. The staff has been beyond welcoming, and I look forward to working here, building connections and growing opportunities for the community.” Office of Online Services and Educational Outreach – In pursuit of SIUE’s mission to be a community that is dedicated to expanding knowledge to shape a changing world, our office offers a variety of personal and professional development opportunities. We work across credit, certificate and non-credit programs and provide a wide array of opportunities to engage in continuing education for career enhancement or simply for enjoyment. Photo: |
Director’s Office Now gracing the front desk in Building A is SIUE alumnae Barbara Aebel. Aebel joined the SIUE East St. Louis Center (ESLC) on May 8. “I’m extremely happy to be here,” said Aebel. “Everyone I have met has welcomed me and has patiently answered my questions.” Aebel was hired to welcome employees and visitors, answer questions and help people get to where they need to be. There has been no one staffing the Information Desk in Building A for approximately two years. “Additionally, I answer the main phone line for the East St. Louis Center, accept deliveries, sort incoming packages, US mail and campus mail, and assist with administrative tasks of the Director’s Office staff,” she added. Aebel earned a bachelor of music in education and performance in 1985 and a master’s of music in French horn performance in 1987. She is certified to teach K-12 music in Illinois (vocal and instrumental) and in Missouri (instrumental only). Aebel encourages ESLC employees to stop by and introduce themselves. Veteran’s Upward Bound Offering much needed, additional support in the SIUE East St. Louis Center’s Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) Program is Dominique Bibbs. Bibbs was hired as the VUB Program Coordinator on May 3. “I will do outreach and recruit veteran students who want to further their education,” informed Bibbs. “I will also help students become prepared for study and college before they begin their first day of classes. The position is needed to give students the skills and tools needed to be successful in college, she noted. “I am confident that I will be able to assist students in their next chapter of their lives,” Bibbs continued, “because I am supported and empowered within my department.” Photo: Barbara Aebel (left) and Dominique Bibbs (right). |
The Learning Resource Center (LRC):
Upward Bound Scholars Academy (UBSA):
Juneteenth Celebration:Join The Hub for the annual Juneteenth Celebration. There will be food, music, games and local Black-owned businesses selling their items and services. 11 a.m - 2 p.m. Food vendors include Gulf Shores Food Truck and My Just Desserts. The first 60 RSVPs will receive free food vouchers. Food will be available for purchase after the vouchers run out or if guests want second helpings! Any questions or to cancel an RSVP please contact Inclusion@siue.edu. Creative Arts Courses Returning for Summer:Whether you are interested in metalsmithing, drawing, painting or photography, OSEO has a course for you. Hosted in partnership with the Art and Design department, our fabulous faculty, staff and students have a variety of course from beginning to advanced for you to take part in! Learn how to work with metal, paint landscapes and draw like a pro with a variety of different courses. Join us this summer and cultivate a new hobby! Beginning the week of June 5 at the Art and Design Studios at the Edwardsville campus. Register here. Mental Health First Aid For Higher Education:Mental Health First Aid for Higher Education teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. This free training, which focuses on the unique experiences and needs of college students, gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care. 8 a.m.- 12 p.m. Please email Lisa Thompson-Gibson, associate director of counseling services at lithomp@siue.edu (618-650-2842) to register for the class. Pre-work and post work will need completed, along with attendance to both days of the class. Join us for SIUE Alumni and Friends Day at Busch Stadium!Are you ready to experience the ultimate baseball showdown between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Chicago Cubs? Then join us for the SIUE Alumni & Friends Day at Busch Stadium! |