How Will My Credits Transfer?
All transfer credit from regionally accredited institutions and other post-traditional transfer credit that is appropriate to a baccalaureate education for which a passing grade was awarded is evaluated to determine equivalency to SIUE coursework. The Course Equivalency Guide (CEG) is a resource that will allow you to identify courses and how they articulate to SIUE courses.
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Advanced Placement and College Level Examination Program
Advanced Placement (AP) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit at SIUE
For evaluation of AP and/or CLEP credit, you must request that an official report be sent directly to SIUE from the College Board. You will receive credits according to criteria published in the current undergraduate catalog.
In compliance with the College and Career Success for All Students Act, AP test scores of three or higher will be accepted as credit toward degree programs at SIUE. SIUE is reviewing policies and developing guidelines for use by our institution. Depending on the exam and the score, the AP score of three or higher may be evaluated toward elective credit or specific course credit.
Use the Course Equivalency Guide to find corresponding SIUE courses for AP and CLEP subjects. No credit toward graduation can be earned through CLEP after credit has been received for more advanced work in the subject.
Official test scores should be mailed to:
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Attn: Service Center
Campus Box 1080
Edwardsville, IL 62026-1080
Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES/DSST)
To receive DANTES/DSST credit, you need an official transcript sent to SIUE from Prometric. Credit is awarded for passing scores. This type of credit (in combination with CLEP) is limited to a maximum of 32 hours toward a baccalaureate degree.
Use the Course Equivalency Guide to identify DANTES/DSST exam titles, awarded hours and departmental decisions concerning the type of credit granted.
Official transcripts should be mailed to:
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Attn: Service Center
Campus Box 1080
Edwardsville, IL 62026-1080
International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit
International Baccalaureate Credit
International Baccalaureate (IB) credit is sponsored by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). This not-for-profit foundation offers a high quality educational programs to more than 1 million students in 146 countries. IBO is motivated by its mission statement:
The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
For evaluation of IB credit, you must request that official scores be sent directly to SIUE from IBO. SIUE awards credit for acceptable scores of a minimum of four or higher on either Standard Level (SL) or Higher Level (HL) examinations. You will receive credit based on the criteria published in the current undergraduate catalog. Courses for which credit may be earned through IB examinations is not used in computing your GPA.
IB credit transcripted as college courses from previous accredited colleges or universities is transferable to SIUE. Use the Course Equivalency Guide to find corresponding SIUE courses for International Baccalaureate subjects. For more information on IB credit, please visit the International Baccalaureate Organization website.
Military Credit
Military Credit
Military credit is accepted and evaluated based on SIUE's Credit for Military Experience policy, Policy 1Q4.
Basic Training
Submit a copy of your DD214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty. Credit will be awarded as published in the current undergraduate catalog.
- If you currently are active duty and do not have a DD214 with discharge status available, you should submit a letter from your commanding officer stating successful completion of basic training and the amount of active duty time you have completed to date.
- If you have completed military basic training, you are eligible for two hours of credit for physical education and two hours for health education.
- If you have served six months or more of active duty, you can receive an additional two hours for military studies.
Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corp and Navy
Active Duty, Reserve and Veterans should submit a Joint Services Transcript (JST) to SIUE for consideration.
- General elective credit is awarded based on American Council on Education (ACE) recommendation for upper or lower baccalaureate credit.
- Credit is not awarded for military occupational specialties or military experiential learning.
Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) Transcripts
CCAF is a regionally accredited institution and transcripts may be required for admission purposes. Credit is awarded for all CCAF coursework.
Use the Course Equivalency Guide to search for military credit and corresponding SIUE courses.
Documents should be mailed or delivered to:
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Attn: Service Center
Campus Box 1080
Edwardsville, IL 62026-1080
State Seal of Biliteracy Credit
State Seal of Biliteracy Credit
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville accepts the State Seal of Biliteracy as equivalent to 101-102 in language courses offered at the University, namely 8 credit hours. When the seal is granted in a language not offered at SIUE, 8 credit hours in a lower division foreign language course (FL 101-102) will be awarded. In all cases, students must request course credit for their seal within three academic years after graduating from high school. To request course credit for the State Seal of Biliteracy, please contact the Transfer Center.