Descriptions of SIUE OER Pilot Courses
David Cluphf KIN 527A-700 Action Research in Physical Education
This course will be using materials created by the faculty member in addition to various open applications for learning. Dr. Cluphf sees this pilot as an opportunity to enhance the current resources so students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge to a wider context.
Jocelyn DeGroot Brown SPC 461-001 Strategies for Teaching Speech Communication
In this “teaching the teacher” course, OER will be utilized for setting the foundations of instruction, communicative reading, as well as many other topics. Students will create rubrics that may be added to SIUE's institutional repository for future use.
Min Liu SPC 329-001 Communication Research Methods
This course will use several OER Commons sites, among others, for defining methods in research as well as data analysis.
Debbie Mann FL 111E-700 Introduction to Foreign Studies: The French Speaking World
OER will help students in FL 111E understand what it means to have pride in being French. Resources will cover issues from the war in Algeria to how Quebec has been able to be French in an English speaking country.
Sorin Nastasia SPC 315-BL1 Technology Applications in Public Relations
SPC 315 will apply OER to the fundamentals of creating items such as brochures, newsletters, and websites. This includes the design elements as well as YouTube videos that demonstrate the tools for designing each.
Edward Navarre CHEM 331-001 Quantitative Analytical Chemistry
Dr. Navarre has located an open text licensed under Creative Commons that will be used with the course. This text, along with apps and other online modules, will assist in students understanding methods of quantitative analysis in chemistry.
Barbara JK Nwacha ART 202I-001 Introduction to Studio: Graphic Design
This course will use a variety of OER to help explain concepts such as reversible figure/ground typography, Gestalt concepts, etc.
Mark A. Poepsel MC 201-FR1 Mass Media in Society
Dr. Poepsel is using OER materials to develop an interactive iBook that helps students develop critical thinking about the concepts in the field of mass communications. Students will produce different types of media using the mini iPads assigned for the pilot.
Jason Stacy HIST 500A-001 Crime and the American City
History courses have traditionally relied heavily upon textbooks. With Google Books and other OER materials, Dr. Stacy will investigate collaborative methods of constructing content and engaging students.
Sarah VanSlette SPC 413-001 Case Studies in Public Relations
This course will use OER materials to explore current public relations cases, as well as theories and methodologies for public relations campaigns.
James Wulfsong THEA 150-151 Core: Scene Design and Construction
Dr. Wulfsong will construct an interactive iBook that will be available to students as a resource during and after the conclusion of the course. Among other types of OER, Dr. Wulfsong plans on using YouTube videos that display the types of tools used in scenic construction and design in theater.