
Monday's writing assignment

1)      Go back and look at the first text, lyrics from Immortal Technique’s “4th Branch.” After you saw the heading, “Song Lyrics,” did the lyrics look like lyrics, before you even read a word? Once you started reading, did they more or less meet what you might have expected from song lyrics? Write a paragraph or so identifying what elements you expect to see and read when you are engaging song lyrics.

 2)      Go back and look at the short story, “The story of an hour,” by Kate Chopin. After seeing the heading, did the story visually appear to be a short story? If you had been asked before reading the story to list what one comes to expect to find in a short story, would this story meet those expectations? Write a paragraph or so explaining what elements you might expect to see when you are asked to read a short story.

 3)      Go back and look at the “Essay on The Importance of Form in Literature.” At the very first glance at the text, after seeing the title, did it look like an essay? Why or why not? Once you started reading it, what was your first reaction? Write a paragraph or so on what you expected to see, what you expected to read, and how you felt about having to read an essay rather than writing one.