Channel Surfing
by Amber Meyer

87.2 FM

Sister Mary Magdalene said
Rapture and Tribulation
Could occur in our faithless generation.


91.3 FM

This is the Crucible of Truth,
Almighty Jesus please call back.
Our Godly country is under attack.


95.1 FM

Liar, lunatic, or logic?
No matter, He's an army of One
Listening closely to our machine guns.


97.4 FM

The whole mad swirl
Was once One Nation Under God,
But we'll not get past our own firing squad.


100.7 FM

There's no hurt He can't heal,
Said American husband to American wife
Slitting her throat with his sharp Ginsu knife.


1280 AM

This is the End of His show,
But Satan can't wait for your calls next week
To share with the audience your new battle techniques.