* Welcome from the Chief F. R. Harrison

1999 - 2000

W E L C O M E!

    The University Police Department would like to extend a sincere welcome. We are looking forward to providing the best services possible in order to assist you in fulfilling your academic endeavors at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

    The University Police have dedicated their efforts to providing a safe and secure campus environment.  We are convinced that having our students reduce the opportunities for crime by being alert and cautious can attain this goal.  In August 1996, the University Police began a new initiative, which created a Community Oriented Police Department that will enhance our service to the University community.  We request your participation in our commitment to a safe campus.  The following booklet contains useful information on many aspects of residential life at Cougar Village as well as Woodland and Prairie Halls.  We urge all students to take the time to read and implement the information into their daily routines.

    We encourage all students to voice any concerns to either University Housing staff or University Police.  Any questions dealing with housing concerns can be answered by dialing extension 2900 for Cougar Village, extension 4255 for Woodland Hall, and 4252 for Prairie Hall.  University Police can be reached at extension 3324 for the main police department and extension 5670 for the Cougar Village substation.  Once again, we welcome all students and wish you continued success in the coming year.

    University Police at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is a law enforcement agency responsible for the protection of life and property.  Officers are sworn police personnel under the authority granted by Illinois law and have the power to make arrests.  Law enforcement services are provided to the Edwardsville campus, the School of Dental Medicine in Alton, and the East St. Louis Center.

    The University Police Department is located in the Supporting Services Building and provides services 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.  University Police has a substation located within the Commons Building at Cougar Village.  Emergency 911 calls are directed to University Police, which is responsible for dispatching appropriate police, fire, and/or ambulance services.  Other services provided include assistance in retrieving keys from locked vehicles, jump-starts, or tools to engrave items for the prevention of theft.  University Police also provide an "escort service" which accompany members of the University community from one campus location to another as a means of safety and crime prevention for students, employees, and visitors.

    The University Police operate under a community-oriented policing philosophy which sets the foundation for providing quality service based on high ethical standards.  It includes being responsive and responsible to the community by building partnerships with students, faculty, and staff.  University Police are highly visible through bike patrols, foot patrols, and vehicular means.

    The Police Department offers numerous programs including the McGruff the Crime Dog, sexual assault prevention programs, Operation ID, and the Friends of McGruff Club.

    An annual Security Report of campus security policies and crime statistics is published each fall. This report contains campus safety and security information and crime statistics for the past three calendar years. This report is published in compliance with the Federal Student Right to know and Campus Security Act of 1990, now known as the "Jeanne Cleary Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act." A copy of the report may be obtained online at http://admin.siue.edu/studentrightto/ or a paper copy of this report may be obtained upon request to:

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration
Rendleman Hall
Room 2228
Campus Box 1158
Edwardsville, Illinois 62026-1158

General questions about the Act or the University publication may be directed to the office of Risk Management at 618-650-3404