Database: Oracle Database and SQL

Project Focus: To create and alter a database. Then run queries for the information that is needed.

Contribution / Role: Database Analyst/ Administrator/Specialist

Technology / Skills: Use of an FTP Client (WinSCP), Command Line Interface or CLI (PUTTY), and Text editor (Textpad++)

Description: The project called for the creation of a database and the use of queries (Oracle) to further the understanding of databases. The project called for the creation of tables, as well as the input of data into those tables. After which it required the structuring of queries to pull specific data from those tables tailored to the parameters that were given.

Challenges: The database was a bit off and would often crash and require a wipe and restart. Although I would more call that a good challenge since if this was a real world issue I now know the headache and the troubleshooting involved in getting a stubborn database to work. Most of the issues arose during my use of scripts. If you were to run the items one line at a time then there was no issue. However, as soon as I ran my script it was a shot in the dark as to whether it would work or fail. Sometimes it would work and others it would cause server errors. A situation created by the limited access we as students had that required workarounds that normally would not be required.

Reflections: Very enjoyable and helpful project. I ended up learning much more than most students when I went to the step of creating scripts to run my queries. It was nice to get a bit of trouble shooting and work around practice in during a project that did not necessarily call for it.