(618) 692-2245 or 692-2230

TEXT: Writing, Producing & Directing Documentary Films by Alan Rosenthal and Directing the Documentary by Michael Rabiger

MC 333 is designed to develop in students a thorough understanding of the TV production process, both studio and remote. This includes but is not limited to the following areas:

  1. Creativity in planning, researching, writing and producing programs.
  2. Leadership and direction in assuming command, delegating responsibility, supervising efforts, and improving dependability.
  3. Development of skills involved in the performance of various production projects, including pre-production techniques such as shot-sheeting, outlining, interview planning and script revising.
  4. Individual and group assignments in the various elements of production (e.g., set design, lighting, graphics, remote productions, studio programs, editing, etc.)
  5. Production of mini-documentary and feature segments. The best of these efforts will packaged into a magazine format and telecast on local cable systems. There is also a chance for these pieces to be entered in the Society of Professional Journalists' "Mark of Excellence" competition.
  6. Budgeting -- students will compile and submit accurate weekly reports of man-hours, meetings, and production work involved in the group efforts.
  7. The finished projects will be assigned four (4) grades for the production and four (4) grades for the scripts. The successful completion of the two projects will involve 16 grades of the 32 assigned for the course.


90-100 -- A 80-89 -- B 70-79 -- C 60-69 -- D 0-59 -- E

In every possible instance, the students will turn in a finished script BEFORE any videotape is shot. The instructor will make periodic evaluations of individual and group efforts. These evaluations may be be oral critiques, written appraisals, quick suggestions during the actual production, between-take ideas, group conferences, or in-class discussions. IF ANY ASSIGNMENT IS BUNGLED IN A HORRIBLE MANNER, THE STUDENT MAY RECEIVE A PINK SLIP. THIS MEANS THE STUDENT HAS FLUNKED THE COURSE.

Students are expected to purchase their own videotapes for the class projects. Two or three 120-minute VHS should be ample to cover all requirements.
Week 1 
Orientation; team assignments 
viewing of past class projects
Week 9 
Reviews of "2001" due 
set design discussion; ethics
Week 2 
Budgeting; visualization 
outlines & interviews due
Week 10 
Treatments due 
unnarrated doc viewing 
set designs due
Week 3 
Silent film viewing 
editing review shot sheets 
intros; 1st exam
Week 11 
Project #2 scripts due 
program intro discussion 
cinema verite
Week 4 
10 elements of production 
1st exam discussion 
documentary viewing
Week 12 
Fellini viewing 
discussions & evaluations of 2nd projects
Week 5 
Scripts due 
evaluation of projects 
switcher test
Week 13 
Project #2 due 
Fellini viewing & discussion 
budgets & evaluations
Week 6 
Project #1 due 
viewing & discussions 
budgets & evaluations due
Week 14 
Fellini reviews due 
talent auditions 
Metro East Edition
Week 7 
2nd exam 
1st project re-edits 
2nd project preproduction
Week 15 
Metro East Edition production
Week 8 
Shot sheets & raw footage due 
Viewing of "2001"

This page was last updated on Friday,  March 13, 1998.