My Most Unusual Relative

Make a list of the names of all your close relatives. Begin the list with your closest relatives (mother, father, brothers, sisters) and then expand to grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

List of My Relatives

Looking over your list, choose the person who is your most unusual relative. Name that person below. Use a complete sentence.
My Most Unusual Relative

Now describe the physical characteristics of that relative. What does his/her face look like? Color of hair? Height? Unusual physical features? How does he or she usually dress?

Now describe the personality of this relative. Is he or she friendly? talkative? intelligent? funny?

Explain what you find unusual about this relative. Include as much detail as possible.

Finally, describe how you feel about your most unusual relative. Be sure to give your reasons.

Now you are ready to remove the original list of relatives and all the writing prompts. Only your writing should remain. When you have done this, go back and revise and edit your essay entitled "My Most Unusual Relative." Be sure you add good transition sentences between main titles.

Adapted from Simonson, M.R. and Thompson, A. (1997) Educational Computing Foundations Upper Saddle River,NJ. Merrill

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