
My name is Michaela Weidman and I am a senior at SIUE. I am curently majoring in Mass Communications with a focus in Advertisment and Strategic Media along with a minor in Business Administration. I am on track to graduate after the Fall 2024 semester. I am currently looking for internship opportunities, but, after graduation I hope to get a job related to communications, advertising, or marketing in athletics. I work for the SIUE Athletic Department and I am a part of their media and marketing team. As someone who was an athlete, I love the ambiance of athletics and would like to stay in that field if possible. I created this website to showcase some work that I have done for various courses. Including a flyers and a commercial.                                         

My Creative Work 

For an advertisment course, our final project was to create an advertisment plan for a client. We chose 88.7 WSIE The Sound. I was in charge of all of the creative work for this project. I also included a commercial from a production course.        

Latest Work

Take a look at some of the creative work I have done so far!    

WSIE "Need Study Music?" Flyer 

With hopes of expanding WSIE's demograhic, we created this flyer to post around campus in the library and other study areas in order to encourage students to listen and hopefully achieve one of 2 goals: raise awareness for the station, and expand the demographic. With a QR code that takes listeners directly to the live stream of the station, it will be easy for students to tune-in! Plus, who wouldn't love to listen to some smooth jazz while studying?   

WSIE Volunteer Flyer 

Many students are unaware that there is a radio station right here on campus, as well as the amazing opportunites the station has to offer. I wanted to really get the attention of students by adding a line about needing lines on a resume. WSIE has so many opportunities for students with a production or broadcating track, as well as sale and marketing positions!  This flyers goal was to agian bring awareness to students that the station exsists, and get the station more volunteers!           

WSIE Tune In/Donation Flyer 

WSIE's is fully funded by donations. With this general tune-in and donation flyer, we hoped to bring awareness to the station as well as hopefully encourage people to listen and donate. These can be posted on campus as well as in businesses all around the greater St. Louis area, since that is where the radio reaches.This flyer includes a QR code that takes people straight to their donation page where they can easily make a donation or sign up for a small monthly contribution!           

WSIE New Logo 

My advertising group thought it would be a fun idea to give the station a fresh new logo! They have had the same logo for about a decade, and our client told us they have been discussing rebranding in the very near future. The new revamped logo has the same feel as the old one, with the same iconic yellow, red, and black colors. But, the new logo has a much more modern and retro feel to it that I personally love!               

Airpod Max Commercial 

Thank you for visiting my Portfolio!   

I hope you liked some of the pieces I created! I plan on continuing to add to my site as I do more! Click the button below to contact me!
