Graphing Linear Functions

Graphing Lines
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Lesson #5: How do you graph a Line?

Directions: Using the same equations as before, you are going to type in each pair of equations into Desmos. Notice how the graphs are the same and how they are different.
                      Then, look at the things we said were different with the slopes and y-intercepts. Look for connections between the equations and the graphs!

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Example #1:
y = 4x + 5y = -4x + 5

The Slopes
One is +4 and the other is -4
The y-intercepts
Both +5

After you've graphed...

Notice that 1 line is increasing and the other is decreasing?

The slopes were different, what do you think that means?

Example #2:

y = 7/4x - 9y = 7/4x + 9

The y-intercepts
One is -9 and the other is +9
The Slopes
Both +7/4
After you've graphed...

Notice that the lines are parallel to each other
 but they had different starting points?

The slopes were the same and y-intercepts were different,
what do you think that means?

Example #3:

y = -3x + 8y = 8x - 3

The Slopes and y-intercepts
After you've graphed...

Notice that 1 line is increasing and the other is decreasing?

The slopes were different, what do you think that means?
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