I am an entrepreneur. More specifically, I like to build things. I don't just build anything. I build
media. What I mean is I like to research, plan, organize, design, and analyze media in an orderly
structure. I have a keen eye on how media projects should flow. I have five years of experience
with building media. I have written news stories, scripts, and newsletters. I was even fortunate
enough to have one of my articles (below) featured in the corporate magazine of the largest
employer in the St. Louis area - Barnes-Jewish Corporation. I worked in the marketing department
as well as in media services. My primary tasks were to organize content. For example, I have helped
organize marketing content for one of St. Louis' upcoming organizations Behavioral Health
Network of Greater St. Louis. It was an interesting experience getting to know the environment
because their business focuses on medical and psychological fields. After my experience, I have
decided not to pursue that particular area of media. However, I would like to gain experience in
other areas so that I can better decide on the career path I would like to take.
About Me