5 Augusta Court

Maryville, IL 62062

Phone (618)288-3654

Fax (618)288-0786

E-mail martymar62249@yahoo.com

Martin Michael Jenkins


To obtain a position in your company where I can be of use full time. I plan to work for your company until retirement and I will give 110% every day.


2002-2006                               Southern Illinois University                   Edwardsville, IL


·         B.S. in Telecommunications, May 2006

·         A.S. in Business, May 2004

·         A.S. in Computer Technology, December 1999

Awards received

Dean’s  List, every semester

Perfect attendance, every semester

Recognition Award given to me by Dean for helping out on campus and around the community.

Interests and activities

The Accounting Club, 2002-2004

Student Council Association, 2002-2005

Plan to pursue Master’s degree beginning in fall of 2006

Plan to attend Law School on side sometime in the future.


Work experience

2002-2006                               Southern Illinois University                   Edwardsville, IL

Personal Office Assistant in Bursar’s Office

·         Assist faculty and staff with questions they have regarding paperwork about financial situations.

·         I sort all of the paperwork and run errands.

·         I train students to do my job so one of them can take over my place when I graduate.

Volunteer experience

Active in various charity foundations around the St. Louis area. I am strongly associated with my church and I assist them with things almost every day. I participate in activities that help raise money for my charity foundation and church. Examples include car washes, telethons, blood drives, and phone-a-thons. I also help out with various organizations at school. Whenever a group needs volunteers for something, I am more than happy to be of help.