Tips for Internet Searching

There are some features and tips to be aware of when using search engines.  These features and tips are not applicable to all search engines.


Be specific
• Use nouns and unique words
• Put the most important words first
• Use multiple terms when possible

If you were interested in information on how the Patriot Act affects libraries you could use the terms:
Patriot Act  libraries library legislation  privacy

Use quotes around phrases so the search engine will search for the words as a phrase not as separate words To look for a term, rather than search the individual words in a term, use quotes around the phrase:
"macular degeneration"
Use a plus sign (+) in front of a word or a phrase to require its search A word or a phrase preceded by a + must be present in all pages returned.
+terrorism    +"mutual funds"

Use a minus sign (-) in front of a word to exclude its search

A word or a phrase preceded by a - will prevent that word or phrase being included in any of the pages returned. 
"wireless network" -file-sharing
Use parentheses around terms that are alike. Enter connectors in capital letters
("school vouchers" OR "educational vouchers")
gender AND education
Advanced Features
Some search engines offer advanced features including phrase searching, limiting, and Boolean searching in pull-down boxes.
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