Quick Search

A Quick Search provides options for you to search.  A description of the type of searches and examples are provided below.

Any Word Anywhere

DO NOT use and, or, not between search terms
To search phrases, use quotes: "civil war"
The system will search for any of the words you enter, including words like "a," "the," and "of." There are no "stop words."

Start of Title

Type the first words of the book title: red badge of
Omit beginning articles: A, An, The, Der, El, L', La, etc.

Start of Magazine/Journal Title

Type the first words of the title: journal of applied psychology
Omit beginning articles: A, An, The, Der, El, L', La, etc.


To combine search terms, you must use: and, or, not between your search terms
To search phrases, use quotes: "french revolution"
To group terms, use parentheses
: (child? or teen?) and "learning disabilities"

Browse Subject

Use Library of Congress Subject Headings: elections united states
or Medical Subject Headings: brain anatomy

Browse Author

For individuals, enter last name first, followed by first name, if known: updike john
Enter names of organizations or groups: world health organization

Browse Prolific Author/Composer

To search for musical works by composer, enter last name first: mozart w
To search for works by prolific authors, enter last name first: shakespeare

Browse Call Number

Enter as much of the call number as you know, including punctuation: ps3537.t32
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