Information Gateway Directories

Directories:  The following directories are included in the yourInformationGateway:

docs/ - contains documentation for Information Gateway, including resources for librarians and educators, credits, ideas for the use of the tutorial, and the Open Publication License.

glossary/ - contains the files and images associated with the "terms" in the navigation bar and in pop-up links throughout the tutorial.

help/ - contains help files for problems that may be encountered by tutorial users, such as printing quiz results and getting into Academic Search Elite.

images/ - contains the images for the top level pages and navigation.

input/ - contains the feedback form files.

intro/  module1/  module2/  module3/  module4/  module5/  module6/ - contain the files and images associated with respective modules in Information Gateway, including quizzes.

Library/ - contains the navigation bars as library items.

templates/ - templates for each module, and special pages like pop-up windows, search instructions in a frame, etc.

Pages:  The following individual pages are included in yourInformationGateway:

module.html - the module choice page

contents.html - lists the contents for all of Information Gateway.

exit.html - lets users leave Information Gateway with various choices in returning to the library site, goes with "exit" on the navigation bar.

index.html - the main homepage for the tutorial.

Information Gateway             Module         Glossary         Feedback         Help         Exit