Project Focus: Develop a program using JAVA coding language that resembles a vending machine.
Contribution / Role: Programmer
Technology / Skills: JAVA Programming, HTML Basics, TextPad, NetBeans
Description: In this vending machine application, there is a quantity of ten of each item in the machine. When one item is purchased ten times, that item is no longer available. In order to buy refreshments, money must be put into the machine. This happens by clicking the quarter or the dollar buttons. The refund button will reset the money left over in the machine.
Challenges: The challenge of this project was to develop a program using NetBeans, in order to make a vending machine application. NetBeans is used to create both the coding and the visual.
Reflections: This program combines all of the skills I learned throughout my entire JAVA course. In my opinion an advanced form of this program could be used on a vending machine in the near future.