Joshua Wooten, Ph.D.
Professor of Exercise Physiology
Department of Sport, Exercise, and Nutrition Sciences
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
I’m currently a Professor and Department Chairperson in the Department of Exercise, Sport, and Nutrition Sciences. I teach a variety of exercise science courses in both the undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
For the past 20+ years I have studied the preventive and therapeutic effects of exercise, physical activity, and nutrition on metabolic and inflammatory outcomes associated with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. I have recently stepped away from this area of research and have moved back to my “roots” identifying physiological and psychological factors that predict athletic performance and injury in sport. Using a sports science team approach, we are currently working with athletic performance specialists, sports medicine staff, and coaches to establish benchmarks and norms for females athletes during their athletic season. In addition, we are conducting systematic reviews, audits, and meta-analyses to uncover gender bias in sports-related research to enhance the health and well-being of female athletes.
A secondary goal of my research team is to provide both undergraduate and graduate students unique learning and training experiences that will prepare them for graduate and professional programs in exercise, nutrition, and sport related sciences. Our lab values and promotes diversity, inclusion, and equity.
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