SIUE's Introductory Physics Laboratories

Physics 112, 131A&B, 151L&152L

click here for an explanation

Facility and Equipment
Classroom Workstation iMac

 Welcome to the SIUE's Physics Department Introductory Laboratory web site. Our department has two (2) introductory laboratory classrooms that have twelve (12) workstations each that can accommedate two (2) students per station. Each workstation has its own 21.5" iMac computer interfaced with a PASCO 750 ScienceWorkshop. Each iMac is wirelessly networked to two (2) laser printers. The computer system is used for data acquisition, data analysis and printing.

Physics 112: Conceptual Physics Laboratory

112 Manual
  • 01 Determination of Pi
  • 02 Speed and Acceleration
  • 03 Periodic Motion
  • 04 Optics
  • 05 Electricity & Electrical Circuits
  • 06 Conservation of Energy

Physics 131L & 132L: College Physics Laboratory

131L Manual

132L Manual
  • 01 An Exercise in Data Analysis
  • 02 Forces and Equilibrium
  • 03 Acceleration on an Inclined Plane
  • 04 Dynamics on an Air Track
  • 05 Coefficient of Friction
  • 06 Rotational Equilibrium
  • 07 Centripetal Force
  • 08 Simple Pendulum
  • 09 Conservation of Momentum and Energy
  • 10 Rotational Dynamics
  • 11 Density and Archimedes' Principle
  • 12 The Mechanical Equivalent of Heat
  • 13 Calorimetry
  • 14 Standing Waves in a String
  • 15 Standing Waves in an Air Column
  • 16 Electrostatics
  • 17 Electric Potential Mapping
  • 18 Voltage, Current, and Ohm's Law
  • 19 Series and Parallel Circuits
  • 20 The Oscilloscope
  • 21 RC Circuits
  • 22 Lenses
  • 23 The Diffraction Grating and Atomic Spectra
  • 24 The Photoelectric Effect

Physics 151L & 152L: University Physics Laboratory

151L Manual

152L Manual
  • 01 Data Analysis
  • 02 Linear Graphs
  • 03 Force Table
  • 04 Kinematics in One Dimension
  • 05 Dynamics of Motion I
  • 06 Dynamics of Motion II
  • 07 Centripetal Force
  • 08 Collisions in One Dimension
  • 09 Ballistic Pendulum
  • 10 Mechanical Equilibrium
  • 11 Rotational Dynamics & Mechanical Energy
  • 12 Archimedes' Principle
  • 01 Non-Linear Graphs
  • 02 Mechanical Equivalent of Heat
  • 03 Simple Harmonic Motion
  • 04 Standing Waves in a String
  • 05 Electric Potential Mapping
  • 06 Electrical Measurements, Ohm's Law
  • 07 Electrical Measurements, Series & Parallel Circuit
  • 08 The Oscilloscope
  • 09 RC Series Circuit
  • 10 Magnetic Fields & Ampere's Law
  • 11 The LRC Resonance Circuit

page coded and maintained by james votsmier

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