Jonathan Reed

Class of 2014

CMIS 300 Project

Web Development for a Business


Project Focus: Create a website for Kelli Fultz a clinical social worker.

Contribution/Role: Web designer

Technology/Skills: : HTML, CSS, Notepad++

Description: A website for Kelli Fultz to use for her small business. The website tells a little bit about her, her professional history, the services she provides, her prices, and how to contact her. This project taught us how to design a website from scratch using HTML and CSS as well as how to upload it to a server.

Challenges: One of the biggest challenges with this project was getting every group member to format their piece of the website the same way. Another big challenge was to go through the professor to find out what the client wanted in the website.

Reflections: I really liked this project it was exciting to create something that a business may use. I thought that actually giving us a project that was for a real customer gave added significance to the project.