Jonathan Reed

Class of 2014

CMIS 270 Project



Project Focus: Design an information system for a hypothetical hospital.

Contribution/Role: : Project team member

Technology/Skills: : Microsoft Visio, SDLC, DFD, ERD, Gantt chart

Description: We used the SDLC to design an information system for a hypothetical hospital. Each group was given a different department of the hospital to work on. Our group worked on the pharmacy part of the hospital. The hospital used paper at nearly every step of the system and we proposed an upgrade to a computer system.

Challenges: The hardest part of this project was deciding how to write the report. If we all wrote pieces of the report separately then the paper wouldn’t flow well. If we wrote the report together we had to find a time we could all meet.

Reflections: This project made me realize how hard getting everyone’s schedule to match up can be. We also had a bit of a problem communicating when the meetings were with each other.