Department of Marketing and Management

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Course Syllabus for Management - 340 Section - 081
Principles of Management

Contact and Class Details
Course Objective
Final Grade


Contact and Class Details

Instructor Jim Mager
Meeting time 8:00 a.m. to 10:10 a.m., MW 
Phone 650-2669 or 650-2750  
Office Hours 10:30 a.m. to noon on Monday and Wednesday and by appointment
Office Room AH 2126

Robbins, Steven and Coulter, Mary, MANAGEMENT, Sixth Ed.,
ã 1999.  

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Course Objective:    
This course is designed to provide an understanding of basic concepts of management within organizations.  Discussions will focus on how organizations function within their external and internal environments, and the fundamentals of the manager's job within the organization.  Course material will be both from the text and lecture.  Lecture material can, and will, be from sources other than the text.

To add to the quality of the class meetings, staying current with the readings would be greatly appreciated.  The more prepared that you come to class, the more we can have meaningful and enjoyable discussions about management principles.  Of course, if you would rather not prepare for class and just passively sit there, I will be forced to hold mostly a lecture session--BORING!  You decide.

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I realize things such as family, work, and children can take priority, however, you have signed up for this course.  My assumption is that you have allocated time to attend the meetings.  If coming to the class meetings cannot be given your priority, I can respect your situation.  By the same token, please understand that the goals, objectives, and activities of the class will move forward regardless of what priorities you have set.

Attendance will not be taken.  As "excused" absences will not be granted, it is not necessary to seek my permission to miss class.  Coming to class is your choice and I will honor your decision.  Upon exercising your choice, also expect to accept the responsibility and consequences for the outcome of that decision.

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There will be four exams with 70 questions each.  Exams will be mostly comprised of multiple choice and true/false.  The number of questions will be announced prior to each exam.  On occasion, essay questions may be included.  A request for making up, or rescheduling an exam, will be given very little consideration (in most cases it will not be honored).  A make-up exam will be considered in only the most dire, and documented, cases (your debilitating illness or the death of an immediate family member).  If a make-up test is granted, you should expect it to be an extremely challenging essay exam.

A "scantron" sheet is required to be brought with the participant for the exam.  These sheets are available at the bookstore.  Tests will cover text and lecture material.

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There will be unannounced quizzes of current material being covered.  The points for the quizzes will accumulate up to 25 points.  Missed quizzes cannot be made up.  As with tests, quizzes may cover text and lecture material.   

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Final Grade:
The final grade will be determined as follows:

305 points possible  from tests, quizzes and the case.
90% and above is an A
80% and above is a
70% and above is a
60% and above is a
Below 60% is an

Being "close" to the next higher grade range does not imply that the student is to be given the benefit of the doubt.  The time to demonstrate that a higher grade had been earned is throughout the duration of the class--not during a "negotiation" session at the end of the term.  The "eleventh hour lobby" for a higher grade is not welcome!

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June 5 Test # 1 Chapters 1 through 6
June 26 Test # 2 Chapters 7 through 11
July 17 Test # 3 Chapters 12 through 16
Finals Week Test # 4 17 through 19 & Comprehensive


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