Carson and I left Dallas and headed for our target area west of SPS. We saw
a line of building cumulus to our west and continued to Quanah where we met
part of the TTU team at the local Dairy Queen and watched TWC. We decided to
head north closer to the low/dynamics as convection definitely looked like it
was trying to regurgitate worked over air and air temperatures were
relatively cool. Saw gunge storm west of Mangum, OK and followed it to east
of Carter where deeper updraft developed and became crisp in appearance.
Shot storm against an abandoned farm house then proceeded to Sentinel where
low-topped supercell became established.
Headed east on Rt. 152 through Cordell and watched wall cloud tighten and
produce a brief purple tornado at sunset just north of town which redeveloped
and became an elephant trunk-shaped tornado (two-minutes on ground) northeast
of town. Had steak in El Reno before driving the long haul back to Dallas.
Ahhh, the first one is under the belt but the belly is not full.
Pics to appear on TIM M.