Indicators of Engaged Learning

Taken from the NCRTEC Learning With Technology Profile Tool at

Teacher Roles
Indicator 0 1 2
Facilitator The teacher is the primary source of information and resources. The teacher creates highly structured learning opportunities. As students work, he or she circulates among them to insure that they are following directions. The teacher, in collaboration with others, e.g., library media specialist, creates learning opportunities. As students work, he or she circulates among them to monitor and stimulate their discussion and project work and pose questions or suggest resources as requested or appropriate.
Guide The teacher gives explicit directions on how to complete assignments. The teacher helps students to learn how, when, and why to use different strategies and provides hints, clues, and other feedback to the entire class based on an observation of individual students or in anticipation of likely problems. The teacher and other instructional partners model their thinking processes, help students to learn how, when, and why to use different strategies, and provide hints, clues, or other feedback on a student-by-student and as-needed basis.
Co-Learner/ Co-Investigator The teacher has expertise in the area of study and experience using the instructional materials. The teacher provides students opportunities to explore areas outside of the teacher's expertise, but always stays a step ahead of the students. The teacher extends his or her own knowledge along with the students.
Student Roles
Indicator 0 1 2
Explorer Students learn the required information through structured activities that provide some opportunities to make their own discoveries and draw their own conclusions. Students have opportunities to explore topics of interest without making connections to their curriculum. Students have opportunities to pose questions, initiate projects, and explore issues linked to the curriculum, often with little prior background knowledge. Additionally, they have time to explore "uncharted territory," e.g., the Internet.
Cognitive Apprentice Students receive feedback, usually in the form of grades or scores on their assignments, often only after they are completed. Teachers observe students as they work on instructional tasks, in order to provide ongoing feedback. Teachers and other instructional partners regularly model their own thinking processes and strategies, and observe students as they work on instructional tasks in order to observe thinking processes and provide ongoing feedback. They also connect students with appropriate experts who also provide models and feedback.
Teacher Students have few opportunities to share what they are learning with others. Students have opportunities to present what they have learned to others, primarily within their classroom, e.g. oral reports. Students have frequent opportunities to share and discuss what they have learned with others, e.g., jigsawing, reciprocal teaching, demonstrations, and presentations within and outside their classroom.
Producer Student assignments generally require them to study or respond to existing knowledge, e.g., workbooks, and chapter questions. Students have opportunities to conduct research using original source materials and then summarize their findings in reports or presentations. Students are often involved in instructional activities in which they create novel products and ideas to represent their learning, e.g., Energy net.

Created by Jim Andris, October 9, 1999.