Indicators of Engaged Learning

Taken from the NCRTEC Learning With Technology Profile Tool at

Vision of Learning
 Indicator  0  1  2  
 Responsibility for Learning  Teachers set learning goals, make assignments, monitor progress, and grade assignments.  Students discuss learning goals with their teacher, are given a range of options for assignments, take some responsibility for monitoring progress, and are aware of assessment standards.  Students work with their teacher to set learning goals and assessment standards and have a range of options for assignments and opportunities to design learning activities. They are responsible for setting timelines and monitoring progress toward completion of their goals.  
 Strategic  Most students' work involves determining the right answer on pencil and paper tasks.  Students learn to use a variety of instructional strategies and resources, but not how to select among and apply them to unfamiliar tasks.  Students are able to select resources and strategies thoughtfully as well as apply them to unfamiliar tasks.  
 Energized by Learning  Students complete required assignments and are motivated mainly by grades and competition.  Students are actively engaged in their work and take pride in doing a good job.  Students are so excited by learning that they spend extra time and effort doing their work.  
 Collaborative  Students work mostly at seat work and individual tasks.  Students work in cooperative groups with clearly defined tasks.   Students work in collaborative groups in which the groups make decisions regarding planning, implementing, and evaluating their work, making explicit use of multiple and differing points of view.  

 Indicator  0  1  2  
 Authentic Most tasks are pencil and paper, often seatwork. Students respond to recall questions provided by teachers and textbooks. The class discusses how the skills they learn and their instructional tasks apply to real world situations. Tasks derive authenticity from student interests, work with experts, societal value, and public assessments. They often involve inquiry and/or research, but not as an end in itself.  
 Challenging  Tasks focus on the basics, and there is much attention to mastery of specific skills and facts, e.g., drill and practice, recall questions, integrated learning systems, decontextualized math problems, or workbook pages. Tasks are novel, involve higher order thinking, and require many days or weeks to complete.  Tasks are complex and designed so that the students have to stretch conceptually and take greater responsibility for learning.  
 Multidisciplinary  Tasks are content-specific and designed to focus on specific skills and concepts.  Tasks are content-specific but connections are made across disciplines through chronological or thematic alignment. Teachers maintain their discipline-centered expertise while attempting to help students make connections across disciplines.  Multiple disciplines must be integrated in order to complete a task or solve a problem. Teachers and other support staff, e.g., library media specialists, take responsibility for more than one discipline and assist students in making connections across disciplines.  

Created by Jim Andris, October 9, 1999.