Spring 2005                 PSYCHOLOGY 442    Dr. Ferguson         T R  5:00-6:15     AH 0401


Office:  Alumni Hall 0135.  Phone 650-3973, and leave messages at 650-2202.

Email: efergus@siue.edu    Fax 618-650-5087

Office hours:  M 2:45-3:45, T 2:15-3:15 W 12:15-1:15 and other times by appointment.


Textbooks from Textbook Rental:


            Dreikurs, R. Fundamentals of Adlerian Psychology.

            Dreikurs, R. Social Equality.

            Ferguson, E.D. Adlerian Theory: An Introduction


Bookstore Required:

    Dreikurs, R, Grunwald, B.B, Pepper, F. Maintaining Sanity in the Classroom.


Select two of these five (student chooses two from the following):

a.  Dreikurs, R. The Challenge of Marriage.


b.  Dinkmeyer, D & Dreikurs, R. Encouraging Children to Learn.


c.  Ferguson, E.D. (Ed.), Equality and Social Interest.


d.  Grunwald, B.B., & McAbee, H. Guiding the Family.


e.  Dreikurs, R., Cassel, P., & Ferguson, E.D. Discipline Without Tears.  Revised Edition. 





    Students are to do all the assigned readings and to participate actively in class discussions. Attendance is required. Exams and quizzes must be taken at times scheduled. Only in exceptional circumstances will make-ups be given. Papers must be handed in at times scheduled. If a student cannot take the exams or hand in the homework or term paper as scheduled, he/she must speak to the instructor ahead of the scheduled time and make special arrangements for a makeup or late paper (conversation with instructor is necessary – it is not sufficient to leave a message). Unexcused makeups and late paper without special permission are not possible and receive a failing grade.


    In an emergency, a homework paper (not the term paper – it needs to be handed in directly) may be faxed, with a cover page clearly stating my name. In no cases will a paper be accepted via email. Videos and movies are an integral part of the course and are examinable content. 


   Two exams each count 40 points, 2 homework papers each count 10 points, 3 quizzes each count 10 points, in-class participation counts 4 points, attendance counts 6 points (absences over 4 times get zero attendance credit), and the term paper counts 60 points. Instructions for the Term Paper will be handed out during the semester. Grading is based on final score (200 as the maximum): A is 180-200, B is 160-179, C is 140-159, D is 130-139. Below 130 is Failing.




     The course provides an in-depth presentation of Adlerian theory and a selected set of methods.  The emphasis is on real-life applications of the theory to every-day problems.  Students are required to keep up with reading assignments, which include theory and practical applications.


Session                Date                 Day                           Topic_____________________________________________________

1          Jan. 11         T               Key concepts of Adlerian Psychology.

                                                           Read Ferguson (F) Chs 1 & 2, and Dreikurs, Grunwald, & Pepper 

                                                           Maintaining Sanity in The Classroom (MS in C) Chapters 1 & 2.


2          Jan. 13        R               Read Dreikurs Social Equality (RDSE) Chs 1 & 2, Discuss holism, goals, and

                                                            Social Interest.


3          Jan. 18        T                Discuss term paper, and Homework Assignment #1. Read F. Chs. 3 & 4.             

                                                           Read Dreikurs Fundamentals (RDF) Chs. 1 & 5.  The importance of 

                                                           Social Interest and private logic.  What is meant by “inferiority feelings?”


4           Jan.  20      R               What is important about Democratic, Autocratic, & Laissez-Faire Processes?           

                                                          Read MS in C Chapters 8 & 9.


5           Jan.  25      T                Family Constellation and Birth Order.Read F. Ch 5, RDF Ch 8,

                                                          RDSE Chs. 5 & 6, MS in C Chs 6 & 7.


6           Jan. 27       R                Hand in Homework #1. Continue Family Dynamics. Read MS in C Chapter 3.


7           Feb. 1        T                Quiz (4 pts).  “Spoiling the Child” Read RDF Chs 3 & 4, RDSE.  Ch 8, MS in

                                                           C Ch 10.


8           Feb.3         R                 Students bring to class and read aloud Case Material from  recommended            

                                                           Books. Read RDF. Ch 6.


9           Feb. 8        T                 “Four Mistaken Goals.” Read RDF.  Ch 2, MS in C Chs 3-5.


10         Feb. 10       R                 Video and/or other ways of providing Case Material. 


11         Feb. 15       T                 How does a family train for Social Interest? For Inferiority Feelings?


12         Feb. 17       R                 Review: Subjective Bias, Social Interest, Inferiority Feelings, Family

                                                            Dynamics, Horizontal vs. Vertical Strivings, Four Mistaken Goals. 


13         Feb. 22       T                 Students should have started readings for the Term Paper. Students bring in

                                                           questions for the Review.


14          Feb. 24      R                Mid-term Examination.


15          March 1     T                Discuss Term Paper and clarify important Concepts.  Encouragement vs.



16         March 3      R                Discuss Homework #2. Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic motivation: Encouragement vs.

                                                            Praise and Reward; Discouragement and punishment. Read F. Ch 7, RDF

                                                            Ch 11, RDSE  Ch 9., MS in C Ch 11.


Spring Break – No classes March 8 & 10


17         March 15    T               Discussion on group processes and encouragement.  Read RDSE. Ch 11,

                                                         RDF.  Ch 15, MS in C Ch 13-15.



18         March 17    R               Hand in Homework Assignment #2. Natural and Logical Consequences vs.      

                                                             Reward & Punishment. Read F.Ch  8, RDF, Chs 7 & 10, MS in C Ch 12.


19        March 22     T               2nd Quiz (4 pts). Gender, & Male-Female roles. Marriage. The importance of

                                                             beliefs and culture. RDSE  Ch 10 & 12, RDF  Ch 17.


20        March 24     R               Life Style and Neurosis.  Read F.Chs 6 & 7, RDF, Chs 9, 12, & 13, MS in C

                                                             Chs 16-19.


21        March 29     T               Psychopathology.  Read RDF. Ch 14, MS in C Chs 20 & 24.


22        March 31     R               Psychotherapy.  Read RDF. Ch 16.


23        April 5          T               Optimism, Religion.  Read RDSE. Ch 13, RDF. Ch 18.


24        April 7          R               Students bring and read aloud personal or News Report of case material to class                                                   

                                                             on Optimism.


25        April 12        T                3rd Quiz (4 pts).      How does Adlerian Psychology explain Psychopathology

                                                            differently than do other psychological approaches?


26        April 14        R               Hand in Term Papers. Students start presenting examples from papers in



27        April 19        T               Students continue presenting papers in class.


28        April 21        R               Students continue presenting papers in class and bring in questions for Review.  Start Review.


29        April 26        T               Students bring in questions for Review.


30        April 28        R              Continue Review For Final Exam -- Emotions, Unconscious processes, Goals,

                                                            Psychopathology, Counseling. 


                        Final Examination:  Tues. May 3, 5:00-6:15 (usual class time)






It is a student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a course through the Enrollment Office by the dates set by the university if the student is not intending to complete the course.  Students who do not withdraw but have not completed the course will receive an E.  Only under special circumstances a faculty member may agree to give a student a INC grade in order to allow the student to complete the remaining work for the course no later than the end of the following semester.  An INC is never automatic but must be approved by the instructor.  If an instructor agrees to give a student an INC grade, the instructor and student will fill out a form (Memorandum of Incomplete Grade) indicating why an INC is being given.  This form will be on file in the instructor’s office and if the work is not completed by the specified time, the grade will be changed from an INC to E.




Plagiarism includes either presenting someone else’s words without quotation marks (even if you cite the source) or presenting someone else’s ideas without citing that source.  If you plagiarize, your instructor cannot evaluate your understanding of the topic.  When paraphrasing from another source, at the very least the student should change the wording, sentence syntax, and order of ideas presented in the paper.  Ideally, the student will integrate ideas from multiple sources while providing critical commentary on the topic in a way that clearly identifies whether words and ideas are those of the student or are from another source.  University policy states that “Normally a student who plagiarizes shall receive a grade of F in the course in which the act occurs.  The offense shall also be reported to the Provost.” (http://www.siue.edu/POLICIES/li16.html).  The University policy discusses additional academic sanctions including suspension and expulsion from the University.  To insure that you understand how to avoid plagiarism, we encourage you to review the information on plagiarism provided on the Department of Psychology web page at http://www.siue.edu/PSYCHOLOGY/plagiarism.htm.