Allie (Ch Berimo Signet Somewhere N Time, JC) is a purebred Basenji who came to live with the Thompsons when she was 1-1/2 years old. Allie originally lived in Texas and came to Illinois in May of 1997. Allie is a Champion show dog in Conformation and also holds a Junior Courser title for lure coursing. In Denver at the Basenji National Specialty of 1997, she won first place in Open Bitch-Black and White. After competing for awhile as a Special, Allie finally retired from showing after the Arizona specialty in 1999, although she occasionally competes now in the Veterans class. She is still a competitive racer and was the FIRST Basenji ever to earn BOTH racing titles, an ORC (Oval Racing Champion) and a GRC (Gazehound Racing Champion). Allie's favorite color is pink and she often can be seen wearing a pink collar with her pink sweater or pink coat.
Click here to see Allie when she's lure coursing.
Click here to see Allie's pedigree.
Click here to read Allie's beauty tips.
Click here to see Allie when she went to Arizona and retired from her show career.
Allie's collars and leads are made by Nick Russell of Bluegrass Collar and Lead.
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