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Quantum Computing

Welcome to my SIUE Homepage

7.22.23 Added an entry into the "Graphics" section regarding SIUE's MOCAL laboratory.

6.26.23 Added an eHacks section and renamed "Portfolio" section to "Graphics"

5.26.23 Added CS 454 quantum computing PDF's

7.1.22 Added a Brain Image Database (BRAID) vs. Connectome paper under research

8.27.21 Changed CS 516 page to quantum. Uploaded breast cancer identification CS 590 paper.

8.27.21 Added a CS 516 section to keep papers, videos, notes, etc.

8.25.21 Updated "GoDaddy" website hosted by cpanel. Began CS 516 yesterday.

2.19.21 Updated "About Me" section.

1.1.21 Resurrected this simple HTML page for re-publishing on SIUE page. Removed album reviews and extra things to focus on showing research.

6.23.16 Wow it has been a long time since I have updated my blog. New album review and new project added to main site.

5.30.16 Spent several hours updating my main homepage. Inserted an album Reviews Section to main blog..

5.30.16 I am updating my blog. Working on new content and sprucing up my homepage.

4.11.16 Check the sidebar for links to current projects/about me.