Techniques for Assessing Learner Reactions to Instruction
There are numerous Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) that allow
us to assess learner reactions to teachers and teaching. Many have been
outlined by Angelo and Cross (1993) and they include the use of Chain Notes,
Classroom Assessment Quality Circles, Electronic Mail Feedback, Teacher
Designed Feedback Forms, and Group Instructional Feedback Techniques. These
techniques are designed to help faculty think about alternate ways to collect
useful data that may allow them reflect on the questions that they have
about their teaching, the syllabus, related course materials, and the current
feeling about the course. While all of these techniques have their own
merits, I will explain the Group Instructional Feedback Technique (GIFT)
since it is so widely used at SIUE.
How to Gather G.I.F.T. Information
1. Arrange to work with a faculty colleague or faculty development
specialist whom you trust.
2. Schedule a date and time for your partner to interview your class.
When working with a faculty colleague,
try to agree to trade visits to each other's classes.
3. Schedule two meetings with your partner, one before the visit for
about 20 minutes and one for after the visit for
about an hour.
During the first meeting, review
the interview procedure. Provide questions, a script, or other suggestions
of what you'd like to find
out about your students' learning
(not your teaching--this is assessment of learning and not
evaluation of teaching). During the second
meeting discuss the results.
It's wise for your partner to prepare a written digest of the interview
prior to this second meeting.
4. On the day of the class visit, introduce your partner and then leave.
You should prepare your
class ahead of time by telling them that you wish to improve their learning
activities and environment by
gathering information
about what helps them learn and why. Ask them if they will agree
to be interviewed by a trusted professor,
one who is just as interested
in quality learning just as you are and whom you will instruct in their
presence to maintain confidentiality
when transmitting the
results to you. Let them know approximately when you will discuss
the results with them. Well organized visits
normally take about 30
minutes. Your partner should put the class into groups of 4-5
students and ask the groups to respond to the
interview questions
by offering their one or two most important answers. This filtering
activity prevents assertive, vocal students from
5. After the visit, read your partner's written summary, discuss what
teaching approaches and techniques address the students'
concerns, develop a plan for responding, and communicate
with your class what that plan is working.
Your partner can help by looking
for trends and by assembling responses or quoted comments under group headings.
Consult with
your partner and prepare
a thoughtful plan of action so that students will see that their consultation
is being taken seriously and are willing
to invest in it. When
you trade positions and visit your partner's class, maintain the trust
of confidentiality and present the assessment as
rounded criticism. That
is, be sure to include questions that reveal positive learning experiences
("What approaches allowed you to
discover that you really
learned the material well?"), and not only negative ones.
To learn more about this technique or to set up an appointment to have
the technique administered, contact
Last updated on August 30, 2000.